Thursday, October 26, 2006

Another 2 weeks

Sigh, another 2 weeks. Sucky 2 weeks. Same old shit.

Went out with Cindy last Friday. Started out as a nice wine tasting then dinner, then a movie. Turned into wine drinking, dinner/drinks, then going to the bowling alley to see T and staying till after 2am talking to Julie/Michelle and Amy, we had a blast. Then going to the Casino. OMG. Totally should not have done that. ouch

But I am excited that next saturday for my big 40th birthday I am going out Saturday night with Cindy and T to see the ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11


Midnight MOVIE!!!

Way beyond excited to see that. I saw that as a teenager. Woo Hoo!!!!

Work is blah, the weather is typical St. Louis October. Rainy/chilly/cloudy. Happens every year.

Going to the woods with dh and the kids sunday.

Johnny's last swimming lesson is saturday. They are BEYOND excited about Halloween coming up. Charlie is in the same costume as last year and Johnny got an awesome fireman costume.


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