Saturday, March 19, 2005

Saturday - Chillin and Hangin' with the Kids

A very good friend in my group got a sales job and we had her going away party at Trainwreck (how appropriate! LOL). It was 7:30pm and there was already a chick in the bathroom puking her guts out, then her boyfriend's in the stall on his cellphone making all these arrangements to pick up her car etc. Wild. Wonder how she's feeling today? LOL Eek. I shouldn't laugh...................but I will anyway. Gotta have some advantage at the ripe old age of 38 to laugh at the silly young girls. lol

JOCELYN! HOW DO I POST A PIC TO MY BLOG? I ACTUALLY HAVE ONE OF us corporate slaves getting a first place prize designation for a basketball decorating contest.

Given the hellish week I had, I wanted nothing to do with it. But the group was compelled to participate by the Activities committee mgr. So at the last minute 3 women in our group threw something together and the friggen thing WON!!!! The reason it won is because while everyone else stuck to the rules of the contest and used basketball themes. We went with modeling the dang thing after one of our products. Our Director is very corporate image consious and picked it.

So last night was a friggen BLAST! They had a band that was playing 80's rock with a dance beat and it was awesome! They had a bachelorette party there that got a male stripper so I enjoyed that performance. LOL

Feeling ok, Charlie and I took a nap and chicken is almost done for dinner.



At 8:53 PM , Blogger Jocelyn said...

Glad you to got to cut loose a bit. I use this free service called Picasa- I can't remember how I found it-somewhere on the site. Anyway you upload images to Picasa and then send them to this other interface called "Hello" and bingo! You have to download some software to get this, but it's free and it works pretty good. I can't get it to send pics together and so I have to keep copying and pasting them to get them in one post.

At 12:35 PM , Blogger Jocelyn said...

I just love this blog thing. We can so keep up with each other this way. I was a scanning fiend yesterday with the images, but I am trying to get up to date on our house etc...


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