Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Stressy Sally this week

This has been the week from HELL!!!!!!! Unreal, it's like work is a toilet filled with shit that just exploded all over me . Unreal.

I"m not sure how much detail I can post here but suffice it to say I'm STRESSED to the max and working harder to get a promotion. Not even sure why I want it so bad, but I can be very stubborn and the more I'm told I can't have something the more I want it.

Hmm, just like a 5 year old. LOLOL Must be where Johnny gets it.

So anyway, I went out tonight for a few drinks with work people and met some new Mommies who watch Nanny 911 and Wife Swap. That was cool.

I was too stressed to catch American Idol onTuesday but I have it on tape. I don't even know who got voted off tonight yet.

Watched Survivor, wow those rule changes are diabolical! I love it!

Have Wife Swap on tape, will watch The Apprentice tomorrow.

I AM A TOTAL REALITY TV JUNKIE!!! Someone's going to have to get me a 'sponsor' and lock me in a room for a month to get me off this stuff. It's like CRACK for your mind. LOL

Opiate of the Masses indeed.


At 8:55 PM , Blogger Jocelyn said...

Hey Jen!
I am so bad not watching Apprentice right now and I missed it last week! Was out with Mom doing financial planning last week. Steve said it's just a recap tonite-whew!
I was working on the blog getting photos up and I am excited I am joining a web ring of some kind called
It's good to have stuff to do ain't it? I am sorry work has been so beastly, but good for you for perservering- keep fightin' is what I say. I refuse to surrender myself. I like reading your blog too- it's a nice slice of life and I like hearing about kids, work etc...;o)


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