Friday, May 13, 2005


OMG. It's like a friggen compulsion now. I just bought 1 Yarrow 'Debutante', one Lemon Verbena (which smells wonderful), 6 Crown Vetches, 1 Coneflower. I have GOT TO STOP! AND I think a fucking rabbit knawed (sp) all the tops of my Day Lilly off.


And I saw a frog in the back yard too.


I haven't posted lately because I am depressed. I was bypassed as the Team Lead position for our group. 'M' is leaving and the manager picked someone from a different group to be Team Lead. I almost had a nervous breakdown in the HR dept. Cause the asshole knew I'd be furious and called me on his cell phone to go to a private room to get the news.

What a kick in the head. I have been alternatly depressed and furious by turns for a week. Holy crap, has it been a week already? Wednesday we were supposed to have this 2 hour training I left early sick. Fuck this shit.

I honestly do not know what to do at this point. The manager is giving me all these 'things' I have to work on to improve communicating to my team mates. I belive he had some valid points but these things also could have been addressed after I got the position. I told him at my January review I wanted this position and he spent the last 3 months grooming me for it. I was BETRAYED.

There is one more position I want, if I get passed over for that. That's it. I guess I'll just do my minimum and leave every day. It's depressing.

Also the older I get the less tolerant I am getting of people. Why does everyone around me chew gum? Some girl/woman was popping bubbles so loud I heard it all the way across the office. The other one makes that little bubble smacking noise , and the guy sitting next to me chews either bubble gum or sunflower seeds ALL FRIGGEN DAY. SO that's what I get to listen to. Some guy chewing. GROSS. I think he has an oral fixation.

So, anyway. That's it. I'm depressed.


At 8:46 AM , Blogger Jocelyn said...

It gets like that with buying plants I know- I have kind of eased up beause I have NO room anymore- the blessing of having a city lot instead of an acre of land.

They make frog houses you can buy to attract frogs too.

I am sorry about the job stuff. If it's any consolation, I've been there (not getting picked for a promotion). And I've been really disappointed before about it too.
Most times I used my anger to find another job!

The gum thing is horrendous- in an office? It used to annoy me on the train, when someone was sitting behind me popping gum. I believe it's passive aggresive behavior. Not to mention trashy.


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