Monday, June 27, 2005

Still Recuperating

Tired, still recuperating. Took Charlie for his shots. He needed so many I have to have another appt August 12th before he starts pre school. He was really really good but totally cried for the shot and was crabby in the evening, but he'll be fine I'm sure.


3 more days till my 5 day weekend. I have Vanity Fair to watch A&E special from a few years ago. I'm watching Ivan The Terrible a 1944 Russian made movie, it's totally awesome. The costumes and scenery is amazing. Considering Russia was in the middle of almost loosing WWII when this movie was made the quality is impressive.

And we'll be watching Alias all weekend. Woo Hoo!


Sunday, June 26, 2005

Had Too Much Fun Last Night!

Ugh, too hung over now to be very coherent. Had WAY too much fun last night at this place called Study Hall in St. Louis. Went to President's Casino. It sucked. The roullette table was ice cold, lost $40 in about 15 minutes. That's NEVER happened before. Definitely going to lay off the gambling for awhile and go to Harrah's next time with just mom. We all had a blast and the kids loved having their Gramma over to play with and buy them toys! lol

It's 3pm and I'm just going to chill for the rest of the day. On the upside my house is sparkling clean from yesterday. We only do that when family comes over.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Stressed and Tired

Bad Combination. Work should calm down (hopefully). Car rocks. Family's coming on Saturday! Will be off 5 dayd July 1-5. DH is giving up cigars to buy a computer. Lots to look forward to.

Kids are good. DH has been taking them out more often during the day so they're not so bored and restless when I get home.

Not much else new . Plants are all doing great. Lemon verbena is over 2 feet tall and cone flower is about to sprout it's first flower and the yarrow is growing back and the holly hock is taking off, should bloom next year and the daylilly is growing a new flowers and the crown vetch is growing. The only failure is the $20 lilac bush and the marigolds are all dying. I AM WATERING FrONT and back every night!!! so that's not it. oh well. Need to get more heat tolerant stuff next year. We're in for a solid week of 95+ temps and more than a week of NO RAIN! ARGH.


Tomorrow's Friday!

Sunday, June 19, 2005

A NEW CAR!!!!!!!

We just got a new (used) car!!!! I'm so excited! It just happened so out of the blew. We have a Toyota Camry 2001 which is 'ok'. And the 2nd car was a Izuzu Trooper 1996 which was a stick shift SUV. It had a V6 but needed a V8 so had no power, it rode like an Army truck. So Matt was poking around car dealerships and stumbled into a 2004 Buick Century, white with only 32k miles on it and it rides like a DREAM! It has a V6 engine which makes the pick up MUCH better. I drive 30-40 minutes and about 1/2 of that on the express way. I need oomph. The Toyota was poky had a V4 pulling a car that needed a V6 engine. The ride in the Century is so pillowy it feels like I'm floating to work. The seats are much more comfy than the Camry, but the interior is smaller. This is totally a MOM GOES TO WORK CAR and that's it.

It doesn't have those kid safe locks in the back. WHY THE HELL NOT??? I think it's cause only old people buy this car. GEE what does that say about us? lol.

So we did it, it was 12K and we got $5,200 on the Truck made us pay in cash $6,800. OUCH. That will definitely take a bite out of the check book. I get 3 paychecks in July and a tax refund and the company gifted me with some stock that I can cash in in March 2006. Maybe I'll win at the Casino next week with Mom and the Sis's! lol


HEY Johnny goes to summer school tomorrow. They're both talking so good now. Charlie's new thing is every time I leave the room he yells "HEY, Wait a minute!" lol. He's still very demanding and screamy and tantrumy and cryingy. Ugh.

bye! Wish me luck tomorrow, I go as a Sheep Among the Wolves.

Saturday, June 18, 2005

I'm BACK!!!!!

WOW. Feels strange to be back. That trip was grueling. All the flights went smoothly but on the way there I dragged this lap top all over to NY. WHY DIDN'T I PUT IT IN THE SUITCASE? I have no idea. So when I get to NY I notice the clip on handle that pulls the suitcase is missing. The luggage elves put it in the zip front but I didn't look there so I thought it fell off or was lost or whatever. So on the way home when I grew a brain and put the laptop in the suitcase it weighed about 98lbs! And I couldn't roll it. Then I discovered TODAY when unpacking that the handle was in the zipped up pocket in front. dugh.

omg. charlie's crying again. ok. now he's occupied brushing his teeth in my bathroom, hope he doesn't destroy too much while I"m typing this.

Had 2 wonderful meals, Mexican place that had 2 for 1 magheritas and on Thur night we ate at Sophia an italian place. I had TUNA STEAK with a balsamic gravy that i almost licked off the plate. YUM! But besides that we didn't do too much.

So anyway. The trip depressed me cause I felt so fat. See, fat does not exist in NY cause everyone climbs 3-4 flights of stairs to and from the subways and walks for miles and miles every day. St. Louis I walk 10 feet to the car, get in, sit down, and walk about 1/2 block into the office and proceed to sit down for the next 10 hours then reverse it and i'm home and sitting again.

I am quite averse to exercise.

The customer meetings were very successful but now all my co - workers are jealous or whatever and all HATE me. They're barely speaking to me. It's very upsetting.

This trip was a last minute thing proposed by a friend of mine who works in collections and bill resolutions, she was supposed to go herself but did not feel comfortable visiting clients by herself to resolve these issues and wanted an OMS there to back up her assertions. Our director and another manager approved it, but my immediate boss was annoyed. My presence definitely was helpful but we were missing another OMS this week so all my pod mates were furious that I was leaving town for 2 full days and 2 half days. I did all my own work and will go in Sunday to catch up. Can't please everyone I guess. It's just uncomfortable to half to sit with people all day that are mad at you.

So, I'm still tired despite sleeping 9 1/2 hours straight last night, then went back to bed for another 1 1/2 hours. I feel all tired still. Probably will be more energetic tomorrow.

PLANT UPDATE: They're all kicking ass except the Lilac, still looks DROOPY. But the cone flower has grown almost a foot and is sprouting it's first flower. The crown vetch is growing like crazy and the day lilly is growing back it's flowers and the yarrow is growing back and the lemon has grown almost 20 times it's size and smells wonderful. Think I will get more of those next year.

BYE for now!

Sunday, June 12, 2005


Mother Explains Fatal Pit Bull Mauling

Sunday June 12, 2005 5:46 PM

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - The mother of a 12-year-old boy killed in his own
home by one of the family's two pit bulls says she had been so concerned
about one of the dogs that she shut her son in the basement to protect him.

Maureen Faibish said she ordered Nicholas to stay in the basement while
she did errands on June 3, the day he was attacked by one or both of the
dogs. She said she was worried about the male dog, Rex, who was acting
possessive because the female, Ella, was in heat.

``I put him down there, with a shovel on the door,'' Faibish said in an
interview with the San Francisco Chronicle. ``And I told him: `Stay down
there until I come back.' Typical Nicky, he wouldn't listen to me.''

Nicholas apparently found a way to open the basement door.

Despite her concerns about Rex that day, Faibish told the newspaper:

``My kids got along great with (the dogs). We were never seeing any kind
of violent tendencies.''

Faibish found her son's body in a bedroom. He was covered in blood from
several wounds, including a major head injury. No charges have been filed.

``It's Nicky's time to go,'' she said in the interview. ``When you're
born you're destined to go and this was his time.''

Ella was shot to death by a police officer the day of the attack. Rex
was taken to a shelter, but Faibish said she wanted him put down.

Not dead, in jail, or a slave? Thank a liberal!
Pay your taxes so the rich don't have to.
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Saturday, June 11, 2005

Sounds of Silence are Golden

Sssssshhhhhh!!!! That sound you hear is Charlie quietly playing with his Bus and some cars. Shhh!!!! Quiet! It's too pleasant. (15 minutes later: THAT DIDN'T LAST LONG!)

It's official, I am going to New York City!!!!! WOO HOOO!!!

I'm leaving at 2pm Tuesday and will get there at 9:30pm! Yikes ! Seven and a half hours to get from St. Louis to NY , but there is an hour layover in Chicago Midway airport. HI MOM! and we lose an hour time difference.

So Tue is a wash. Then Wed and Thur are work and the poo-poo head manager booked our return flight for 7am Friday. WHAT THE HELL is THAT???? OMG. I have to get up at 4am or something. Some people have a cruel streak. I can definitely say I will be sleeping on the plane on the way home.

Then back to the office Friday then work for a few hours. Slave Drivers. Then HOME. So 4 days away for 2 days in NY. Wild.

I"d put up with alot to get to NY though, even having to do work when I'm there. LOL. Subway to China Town then a left to Italian Village, or whatever. I love walking along restaurant row and they're all begging you to eat there. This time I'm staying away from the mega filling pasta. Might try the fish.

We went to Walmart and splurged mega. I needed cotton balls, and make up remover, couldn't find the good stuff Cover Girl in the White bottle. It's real thick but I love the instant results. And sippy cups and diapers and travel stuff etc etc to the tune of $150!!!!

Eek, it's been splurge city this month. It is so hard to put the brakes on spending. I have Casino Night coming up at the end of the month and the trip. But I get 3 checks next month. Should help.

Thursday, June 09, 2005


Woo Hoo@! Drunken post coming up! Went out with co-workerws after work and whooped it up till 11pm. I really shoud make this realistic and not correct any of my typs to see how smashed I am at 12:20am and have to gert up again a in 6 ish hours and go badck to the ehhell hole . ugh, the horror. but it was s worth it, got to schmooz with an uuppper escchelon tpye. who said i was GREAT, i have a feelking i'm so great they don't want me to dao o do anyting else. the burden of being great i gues.

biut i think i'll g be going go NYC! next week for a few days. had to correct a few typos otherwise this would be unreaable. yeas, you know how ra readable nm my post s posts are. hm, mahbe aftera mistake ill just type the work right. like flowers for Algernon. lol about as intelligent right now also. lolk


oh yea., dh got the kids a ppoool, they are very jappy with it.

tomorrow's post will bee etn entitled Hangoveg, AGAINz? damn I drink too mcuhl llolldldldldldl


i'm lauging my ass off now. lol

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Next Post will be Funner! I Promise

I'm working on something pretty cool and funny for my next post but it requires more thought and creativity than I have time for now at 10:40pm. Which means I'll probably never get around to it. This blogspot STINKS! Mary and Judi, how do I get those pretty fonts you guys use? All I seem to manage is plain text. It's BORING. I hate using the ugly HTML tags before and after bold text.

Charlie was a friggen horror show tonight. Wouldn't stop either crying or screaming for well over an hour. I put up with that all day at work.

'G' quit, thank god, and i'm responsible for updating her orders. Looks like a madman got ahold of our systems and entered orders on ectsasy or crack or meth and never closed or billed any of them. What a nightmare. Stressing me out and they're not even MY orders. Why they tolerated her non performance for so long is a mystery to everyone. Not much of an incentive to work hard is it?

We have the SE's coming in to town Wed and Thur so my days will be full those 2 days and I'm getting a trim Fri morning.

Not exactly blowing down the house with excitement around here. ;)


Sunday, June 05, 2005


My clothes were such a smashing success that I celebrated a little too much at the co-workers birthday party. Birthday, who's Birthday? It's all about me and my clothes! LOL .

DH took the kids to church this morning so I could go back to sleep. It's so nice now that they're a little older. I'm starting to be able to snatch bits of free time here and there for myself. It's nice. Until Charlie's next tantrum.

Ugh, I have to go shopping and it's 90 friggen degress out. June - July- Aug in St. Louis is NOT a fun experience.


Friday, June 03, 2005

My Life SUCKS!!!!!

Got turned down for another internal job I applied and interviewed for. I was seriously qualified and excited about this one. Had my going-away party planned an everything. I just have to accept this is where the Universe wants me to be now and deal with it. It is difficult. I've been doing this for 4 1/2 years and it is repetitive, like a fry cook at McDonald's but white collar.

Story of Johnny and the tree: I took Johnny outside to play in front (the kids are in love with the front of the house) and he was watering the plants and got me wet. Annoyed me massively. So a few days later he asks to play out front again and I said No, so he says "I'm sorry I got you wet with the hose...."

Then he asks "Friends?" I laughed and shaked his hand and said Friends, then he comes out with.

"Can I play out front.?"

LOL. It cracked me up that he would apologize cause he had an ulterior motive.

Have to go to a co workers 40th birthday party tomorrow night. My friend T took me shopping and I have a massive fashion makeover. I'm actually dressed like someone in 2005! I'm so MOD. LOL

I'm exhausted. I also had a all day training class Wednesday. What a week for being only 4 days.
