Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Next Post will be Funner! I Promise

I'm working on something pretty cool and funny for my next post but it requires more thought and creativity than I have time for now at 10:40pm. Which means I'll probably never get around to it. This blogspot STINKS! Mary and Judi, how do I get those pretty fonts you guys use? All I seem to manage is plain text. It's BORING. I hate using the ugly HTML tags before and after bold text.

Charlie was a friggen horror show tonight. Wouldn't stop either crying or screaming for well over an hour. I put up with that all day at work.

'G' quit, thank god, and i'm responsible for updating her orders. Looks like a madman got ahold of our systems and entered orders on ectsasy or crack or meth and never closed or billed any of them. What a nightmare. Stressing me out and they're not even MY orders. Why they tolerated her non performance for so long is a mystery to everyone. Not much of an incentive to work hard is it?

We have the SE's coming in to town Wed and Thur so my days will be full those 2 days and I'm getting a trim Fri morning.

Not exactly blowing down the house with excitement around here. ;)



At 7:34 AM , Blogger Darlene said...

Hey Emerld, don't know too much about how to snaz up the type within comments, but you can use tags like the ones demonstrated right under where it says "leave your comment." For bold type, put a lower case b between the < b > like it shows, directly in front of the word or sentence you want in bold, then put another one right after the word or words< >, but for closing them at the end, you have to add a slash first: < /b >. (Also, you absolutely have to close up the spaces in between, so it looks like the demo. I just had to put them in now because I got an error message. Even though I want this just as a demo, the computer won't let me publish; thinks I'm trying to type something in bold. Dang it!)When I'm tired, I tend to do the letter first and then the slash, so I get an error message saying broken tag.

Same goes with italics, but use a small case i in the opening < i > and closing< / i > instead. (Again, don't leave any spaces between the letters or slash inside the tags:< >.) Hope this makes sense, and hope it helps!

At 9:10 AM , Blogger Jocelyn said...

"G" quit? Wow. That's a shocker if that's who I think it is.

At 9:35 PM , Blogger Mary said...

hey chickie giggles hmm wel if you mean the pretty colors its in the section when I create my blog post but I have to first type out what I want then highlight everything and then click on the color I want and the font i want to use and if I want it bolded or italiced. ::grin:: Im sorry I really am not a techy person giggle Alex who posts on my blog puts my links on my blog giggles i havn't even figured out how to do that heheh in fact I have to email him and ask him to add your blog to mine giggles



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