Monday, July 18, 2005

My Trip


I'm back! I had a great day off today. Kids were good except for the 2 hour tantrum Charlie had when we left the thrift store, then it POURED RAIN and we had to get out of the car and into the house getting soaking wet. But other than that it was a very nice relaxing day. LOL!

The trip r o c k e d! Friday was mercifully a slow day at work and I got to catch up and I left at 3:30pm on the dot. The drive up was great, had the windows down enjoying the warm air and the farm smells. Got into Cicero at 8:30 on the dot. Had about 10 swad cars on the block next to mine. That Cicero, never a dull moment around there. I still miss that neighborhood sometimes.

So Mom and I went to the local watering hole where her boyfriend W has kereoke. I had a blast for the first three hours until all the yahoo guys had Pantera or Megadeath metal every song after 1am. So we left, well, mom had to practically drag me out of there. LOL I heard an amazing new song. My Best Friend by Depeche Mode. Describes addiction so perfectly.

Anyway, slept on the couch and then slept again on Mom's ROCK HARD bed, and again till 8:30, then showered etc. Then we went out to breakfast, YUM YUM. Then I went upstairs and met our new tenant. Very very nice lady. We talked for almost 2 hours!

So I got out of there, thank heavens I didn't have to pump the pipes cause the nice lady upstairs had paid a buddy of hers $30 to do it. PHEW I hate doing that.

SO THEN I WENT TO SARAH's ! Saw her new place. Wow. I loved it. They painted it and put tile down and decorated it and put tile down. It was like staying in a 4 star hotel. We were supposed to go to a comedy club but she suggested staying home eating pizza and renting a movie. Didn't have to twist my arm. I was hung over from last night and enjoyed spending one on one time with my sister. Something we NEVER get to do. We rented 28 Days Later. Wild movie! Totally freaky and horror and tripped out. Just what I was in the mood for. LOL

Then Sunday her and hubby left at 8am, I was sleeping on the air mattress on the floor. I love the air matress. Very comfortable. Slept in till 9:30am! WOW. So they were gone and I had till 12am to get ready. WOW time by myself! I was in heaven.

Went to my sister's for her daughter's 8th grade graduation and her son had birthday close to that and my sisters birthday a few days later. I got my sister a glass column with a Betty Boop etched inside of it. And my Mom donated the stand with the lights that swirl under it. She LOVED it! Made me very happy.

It was blisteringly hot outside and inside wasn't much better, she had about 25 relatives over. It was so nice to see all the aunts, great aunts, second cousins etc that I haven't seen in years.

I had to leave at 4pm, didnt' want to. I also wish my kids could have been there playing with the other kids.

The drive home was LONG! It usually is more of a grind than the way up, the trip is over and I am tired and just want to get home.

After a good night's sleep, I"m back to normal and wish I had a few more days off. ;)


At 9:44 PM , Blogger Judith said...

Ohhhhh he's sooo cute, look at thoes chubby cheeks. giggle. glad you had a nice time!!!


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