Saturday, August 27, 2005

Kindergarten Blues

Oh boy. OK

Thursday I went out after work to my friend's going away party. I was a good girl and left about 9:30pm, and didn't drink too much. I was wondering how Johnny did in school that day and had a vision of him having a green day and M taking him to McDonald's.

WellI get home and find out that is exactly what happened! That is so weird!

But Friday he had another Yellow day for not following directions. He will completely refuse to do something the teacher tells him too. Sigh.

Anyway Friday after work was the patio party, I left that at 7:30pm. Which isn't too bad considering the July 3 one I left after 11pm! There is something so relaxing about sitting outside enjoying those warm moist St. Louis breezes and talking as the sun goes down. I never want to leave. LOL

But it was like a switch went off, I just didn't want to be there. I wanted to be home, be with the kids. My compadre's started exchanging 'drunk' 'bar' stories etc. Boring.

So I came home and we had a nice hour or so, then put the kids to bed.

Today was relaxing too. Did 3 loads of laundry and cleaned up and down stairs. The kids were really good today.

Tomorrow is grocery shopping. But just want to chill. Need to put a list together for the VACATION!!!!!!!!!!!!

BTW: We saw Sidways. Really liked it. Well I really liked it. M thought it was 'ok'.


Thursday, August 25, 2005

Kindergarten Drop Out

Oy. Johnny's good behavior didn't last very long. Tuesday he had a yellow moment.
He got Yellow on Wednesday for the day.

I talked to the teacher and he says he's acting like a BABY over there, whiny, cries,
says 'I can't do it', 'I want to go home'. Oh my.

So we have to clamp down on him and let him know that he has to make the effort and be a big boy etc. It's so hard watching him do this, making a man out of him at 6 years old.

This is the hard part of parenting.

Charlie is totally digging pre school, gets on the bus and says Bye Dad! and off he goes, doesn't bat an eyelash. That's the problem with having 2 kids. It's always one of them that's acting up.


Hope, Arkansas got scratched. To hot! It's 100+ every day down there. I found Lake Kentucky, KY. We're renting for 3 nights a Mobile Home in the woods, next to this giant Lake! I'm so excited! It's only 4 hours from here so the drive won't be too bad. It has 2 bedrooms,
kitchen, living room. WOW. I'm totally looking forward to it.

I'm going out tonight for my friend T's going away party tonight! I resolve now at 11:30am that I won't stay too long ;)

Then tomorrow is our company dept beer party. I won't stay too long at that either ;)


That's about it. I had a rough couple of days earlier this week with close, had very complex orders to process. Now that that's done I'm totally relaxing!


Sunday, August 21, 2005

Great Weekend!

Getting challenging to find the time to update the blog

We saw Kung Fu Hustle last night! Laughed my ass off. MUST MUST see for everyone.

And we also watched most of 'Closer'. Very interesting in a good way. Strange little movie.

I took Johnny to his second movie today. It was 'Valiant' about English carrier pidgeons during WWII. Johnny sat still through the whole thing! Granted it was only 1 hour 16 minutes long but he really liked it! I liked it too. It was rated G and completely adorable. Kept my interest also. I was disappointed to read it tanked at only 6 mil for its opening weekend. I am fearful that will discourage studios from making G rated movies. Looks like the R rated comedies were the smash hits this summer.

Johnny got code GREEN on Friday also! I'm so excited. I think he's getting the hang of Kindergarten. It does stress him out though. He was relieved to have Sat and Sun off.

Our 17th wedding anniversary was Saturday Aug 20. Hubbie and I went to dinner at Joes Crab Shack, had a delicious meal. And they sang happy birthday to Johnny! He really enjoyed it and outside the restaurant is an enclosed patio with a small playground and sand box. It was mega hot otherwise we would have stayed longer to let the kids play in the sand.

Going to forgo formal weekly shopping and try to eke out 5 dinners for this week. Totally saves money.

I'm going to put the kids to bed early tonight.


This week at work is close week and i'm going to do 9 to 6pm again. Will keep that update if I like it or not.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Kindergarten Update

Johnny's 4th Day of Kindergarten: he seems to like it but is having some trouble adjusting to such a serious routine. These kids learn about capital case and lower case letters in Kindergarten. Very heavy on the academics. Not like when we were kids and fought over the crayons. LOL

They have this behavior system and it's very strict, Johnny was on Yellow Alert his third day! Eek! Apparantly he was humming and stuff during class. I had always thought it was an adorable affectation but not in school. ouch. And he needs to focus more during the lessons. But the third day he was GREEN! He was so excited, he showed Matt and me. So maybe it'll work out.

Charlie's first day of school is Monday. That should be interesting. Watching his interaction with the teacher when she came over was like watching Helen Keller learn to sign language. Very painful.

These teachers don't play, these kids are in for a world of hurt. But it's good for them. I've probably been too soft, to easy going etc.

Work is ok. Trying a 9-6 shift tomorrow, will let me sleep in later in the mornings.


Saturday, August 13, 2005


This is my THIRD attempt at tonight's blog. I started the first paragraph of the first two and the power would go out. Sigh. Not sure how much patience I have now for alot of typing. lol.

The American Idol concert was so amazing!!!!! The sound was better than at the United Center in Chicago , but this year they had NO SET and the so called costumes looked like they all just got in from shopping at Walmart.

Went with a woman from work. We also might get to go to NY together in Sept!

Anyway, what I've been trying to say all night is that I got Johnny's birday stuff, a chocolate cake with chocolate frosting that he's going to help me make. I also got the candles and robot/planet
decorations. And Pin the Tail on the Donkey! They should have fun playing that. And I got streamers, we'll have our own little party.

I have Tuesday Aug 16th off work. At 9am Charlie's new Spec Ed is going to visit the house. Ugh 9am, we are not morning people.

Then at 12:20 JOHNNY GOES TO KINDERGARTEN!!! Then his B day party after that.

Will be an excellent and fun day for me and the kids.


kids are getting difficult, i have to put them to bed now!


Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Very Interesting!

King George and National Security

--Why is Cindy Sheehan a Threat to George on Thursday, but Not Today?

Amy Branham, Buzzflash, August 10, 2005

For the last couple of days I have been hearing that Cindy Sheehan will
be considered a threat to national security if she does not leave her
post by Thursday. At this point, it’s important to ask: why Thursday?
Why is Cindy not a threat today or tomorrow? Why wasn't she considered a
threat to national security Saturday when we first marched out to the
ranch? What is the difference between Thursday and now?

Let me tell you what the difference is. Thursday Condy Rice and Rummy
will be arriving at King George's castle. Sometime either Thursday or
Friday King George is going to some kind of fundraiser at the ranch of a
local crony. My sources tell me that the only way for King George to get
to that ranch from his castle is to drive by Cindy and her supporters.
That's right, fellow peasants; King George would have to actually see Cindy.

But that's not the real story. The real story is that the media will be
there to record absolutely every movement, every event that happens when
King George's carriage goes by. King George has no plans to stop, no
plans to talk to Cindy. The media would be there to report and videotape
King George driving right on by the throng of peasants and the mother of
a fallen hero, snubbing his nose at them as he goes his merry way to the

This would not be good for King George in the eyes of his public. In
fact, it would be very, very bad.

King George cannot be bothered by the likes of Cindy and the other
families of fallen heroes who disagree with him. He has their blood on
his hands, but he doesn't care about them.

This kind of reminds me of all the phony, staged "town hall" meetings
King George has attended. The audiences are filled with supporters with
pre-written questions for the King. It's interesting that none of the
audience members have ever disagreed with the King.

The King's throne is crumbling underneath him and he doesn’t even know it.

--Amy Branham
Gold Star Families for Peace
Mother of Sgt. Jeremy R. Smith

Saturday, August 06, 2005

I'm BACK!!!!! Yea

Has it been a whole week since I posted? LOL

Guess what's coming up Tuesday Aug 9? THE AMERICAN IDOL CONCERT! My co worker and I are going after work. Can't wait.

Did birthday shopping for the kids, it's pathetic. There's a whole nother week till their birthdays and Charlie's isn't till the end of the month. We're more excited than they are. too funny

Bought Johnny from Ebay a Sonic Hedgehog plush omg, the stupid seller is in friggen HONG KONG and it costs 4 x shipping cost than the actual item. AND it's in british pounds so the item listed for $6.66 BP and $22 to ship. After the math, it's not pretty .

So we go to Toys R Us and get Johnny a hand held video game, a wrestling ring with 2 figures a 'grabber' and a yo yo. And Mom ordered him a motorized solar system. That won't ship till Aug 26 unfortunately. AND his birthday falls on the first day of kindergarten. That should be a blast.

Charlie's Birthday we got him a $70 BRATZ bus. It opens up on top and it's HUGE! We also got him a Teen Titans doll. We were looking at family themed doll houses for him but they're SO EXPENSIVE! And they're such liars on the boxes. The Dora house showed all this stuff on the box and NONE of it came with. That's such bullshit.

Anyhoo, we also went out to breakfast this weekend with the kids at Dennys. Johnny ate his Whole Jr. Slam, 2 eggs w/ cheese, sausage and 3 mini pancakes. Wow. The good news is also Charlie's appetite is picking up. He will eat a good sized plate of spaghetti or lOVES THE FROZEN CHEESE RAVIOLI, and the other night he ate meatloaf and rice. Much more willing to try foods, even if he spits half of them out. LOL.

My favorite new show this summer is So, You Think You Can Dance? Love the theme, it's all about the dancing, no romance, no drinking, no people necking that hardly know each other. I notice even this summer's Big Brother 6 got away from all that sex stuff and is concentrating on the game more. BUT I didn't appreciate the segment when one character was saying Boobies every 2 minutes. I mean COME ON! This show is on 7pm. I had to turn the channel cause the kids were there.

Not much else going on. Counting down till all the exciting stuff happens this month.
