Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Very Interesting!

King George and National Security

--Why is Cindy Sheehan a Threat to George on Thursday, but Not Today?

Amy Branham, Buzzflash, August 10, 2005

For the last couple of days I have been hearing that Cindy Sheehan will
be considered a threat to national security if she does not leave her
post by Thursday. At this point, it’s important to ask: why Thursday?
Why is Cindy not a threat today or tomorrow? Why wasn't she considered a
threat to national security Saturday when we first marched out to the
ranch? What is the difference between Thursday and now?

Let me tell you what the difference is. Thursday Condy Rice and Rummy
will be arriving at King George's castle. Sometime either Thursday or
Friday King George is going to some kind of fundraiser at the ranch of a
local crony. My sources tell me that the only way for King George to get
to that ranch from his castle is to drive by Cindy and her supporters.
That's right, fellow peasants; King George would have to actually see Cindy.

But that's not the real story. The real story is that the media will be
there to record absolutely every movement, every event that happens when
King George's carriage goes by. King George has no plans to stop, no
plans to talk to Cindy. The media would be there to report and videotape
King George driving right on by the throng of peasants and the mother of
a fallen hero, snubbing his nose at them as he goes his merry way to the

This would not be good for King George in the eyes of his public. In
fact, it would be very, very bad.

King George cannot be bothered by the likes of Cindy and the other
families of fallen heroes who disagree with him. He has their blood on
his hands, but he doesn't care about them.

This kind of reminds me of all the phony, staged "town hall" meetings
King George has attended. The audiences are filled with supporters with
pre-written questions for the King. It's interesting that none of the
audience members have ever disagreed with the King.

The King's throne is crumbling underneath him and he doesn’t even know it.

--Amy Branham
Gold Star Families for Peace
Mother of Sgt. Jeremy R. Smith


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