Saturday, August 27, 2005

Kindergarten Blues

Oh boy. OK

Thursday I went out after work to my friend's going away party. I was a good girl and left about 9:30pm, and didn't drink too much. I was wondering how Johnny did in school that day and had a vision of him having a green day and M taking him to McDonald's.

WellI get home and find out that is exactly what happened! That is so weird!

But Friday he had another Yellow day for not following directions. He will completely refuse to do something the teacher tells him too. Sigh.

Anyway Friday after work was the patio party, I left that at 7:30pm. Which isn't too bad considering the July 3 one I left after 11pm! There is something so relaxing about sitting outside enjoying those warm moist St. Louis breezes and talking as the sun goes down. I never want to leave. LOL

But it was like a switch went off, I just didn't want to be there. I wanted to be home, be with the kids. My compadre's started exchanging 'drunk' 'bar' stories etc. Boring.

So I came home and we had a nice hour or so, then put the kids to bed.

Today was relaxing too. Did 3 loads of laundry and cleaned up and down stairs. The kids were really good today.

Tomorrow is grocery shopping. But just want to chill. Need to put a list together for the VACATION!!!!!!!!!!!!

BTW: We saw Sidways. Really liked it. Well I really liked it. M thought it was 'ok'.



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