Monday, February 28, 2005

The Day After

Matt drove to Cicero today to fix the house. There was a bunch of stuff broken when I was there so it's best to get everything out of the way at once. New stove for Maya, shock Maya's bathroom sink, fix Maya's doorknob, fix Maya's kitchen faucet, fix Maya's leaky pipes under her kitchen sink. Replace front door knob. The only thing he didn't get to was replacing the front screen door cause it's too cold out to mess with it.

So, that left me ALL DAY with the kids. Very interesting. We had good times, we had bad times. Johnny went to school willingly, didn't have a fit like he does when he knows I'm going to be home. It was cute, he ran to the bus then started crying cause he wanted his hat! lol.

Having a toddler shadow you all day is an interesting experience, imagine being followed from room to room to room and whenever you try to accomplish something like laundry a gremlin messes it up. Or you are commanded not to leave the couch. It's so weird being ordered around by this tiny little person who can barely talk.

BUT I did manage 2 loads of laundry, a load of dishes, 3 meals, and a trip to Aldi ALSO I vacuumed the basement. That was a major task, the kids had kindly dumped all the parsley out of the toy box into one nice pile for me to vacuum. Such nice kids ;)

My tiny warden did let me catch a quick cat nap around 2-3ish. That was nice. It's so weird, I never get the urge to nap at work but when I'm home, I HAVE to have a nap to get through the day.

I'm tired and going to bed now.

Charlie Tantrums = 2 major ones. One cause I wouldn't let him in the unfinished part of the basement. It is hard doing laundry cause he wants to get back there, but all he does is mess stuff up, like the tools or 'my' bathroom. The other was a dinner tantrum, he doesn't do 'hunger' very well.


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