Saturday, March 12, 2005

Johnny's First Movie!!!

Took Johnny to see The Robots today!!! He was 'pretty good' it's nice the theater had that wide handicap isle in the middle so he could goof off and not disturb anyone. By the end of the movie, we were both sitting in the front row and looking up! He probably liked that view better. I'm annoyed because the volume on this thing seemed turned pretty low for a movie. AND I have excellent hearing.

Matt put together a book shelf for Charlie's room, so now they each have their own, which is cute.

That's about it, going to watch The Notebook tonight. Heard it was good, so I am looking forward to it. SARAH! UPDATE YOUR FRIGGEN BLOG! YOU HAVE NO KIDS, YOU CAN'T BE THAT BUSY! YOU SLACKER! LOL



At 10:51 AM , Blogger Jocelyn said...

I'd be interested to hear what you think of The Notebook. I watched it- even though I am not big on love story movies. I find them too unrealistic. I thought it was okay-entertaining and involving etc...


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