Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Tuesday - .....

Anyone ever heard of www.televisionwithoutpity.com? GREAT SITE if you like TV Shows, the comments in their forums are hilarious. And it provides a great sense of community if you've just watched something like American Idol, ER or The Apprentice to find out what everyone else thinks of it. It's weird I like web sites where a bunch of people I don't know talk about a TV show I watched but HATE HATE HATE The View where the hapless audience is stuck watching 4 women talk about 'stuff' and can't chime in. It's like overhearing someone else's conversation at a bus station. Hm, maybe if the women weren't so annoying it would be more interesting.


If I have a touch decision to make (or have recently been diagnosed with a terminal disease) I should go to the nearest beach and walk by myself at sunset. No one else will be on the beach and this will allow me to contemplate my life in beautiful scenary.

And there will be a big rock that juts out over the water, which you will be able to sit on without a hint of discomfort, gazing out in thoughtful contemplation as the sun sinks below the horizon.

This will be the same beach frequented by washed up celebrities whose lives and careers were ruined by drugs, alcohol, and a string of bad marriages. You might just catch a glimpse of them, ruminating wistfully on their failed lives as they scuff along in the sand, pants rolled up to the knees, hands in pockets, as their sorry-looking yellow dog frolicks ahead of them.

Moving on

American Idol. I'm mad cause I forgot to vote, but my favorites this week are Nadia and Jessica. Carrie is all kinds of suck and the rest are forgettable. They sound like a good performance at Andy's on a Saturday night. Trust me, that's not a whopping compliment. lol

My day today was ok, training another new person, I like her but she won't be staying with our group which is annoying. Why do we have to train her if she's going to another group? And she can't really 'bond' with us cause she is not in our group. I feel bad for her.

I put someone up to asking about the SME position during the GOD COMES DOWN FROM THE MOUNTAIN AND TALKS TO US meeting. Boy did that ruffle some feathers. Turns out the job won't be available or filled till Mid June. But they did get the head count for it.

UGH. I knew I couldn't ask about the job at an open forum like that cause I put in for it, so I had my friend 'K' do it. He owes me big cause I've helped him so many times. That guy 'G's reaction was interesting. I guess he's not used to it when the 'little people' start asking questions.

Kids were good. Johnny is really into mailing things now so he scribbles on a piece of paper like he's writing a letter. He and I write stuff on the back of the paper after he's folded it and we mail it to Gramma. She should be getting some interesting mail soon. LOL. Maybe we'll branch out to the Aunties lol.

That's it for today. Working on a rough outline for my March 18 speech. The closer it gets the more nervous I get. I've never had to come up with 5-7 minutes of material about my life before for public consumption.


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