Saturday, April 30, 2005

Something a little lighter

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Hey What do you know , It's Wednesday!

Whoopee! NOT

Work is getting better, helping out 2 people and will get a Lady-God Kudos, maybe. Tha manager is also very grateful, buying me chocolate covered strawberries and beers etc. I can get used to this. LOL.. My plan of improvement is paying off dividents. Also I'm charting my improvements month by month for that higher approval rating next year. Seems so far away. I better not be in this position to get reviewed next year. I'll be massively depressed.

Got to see the fight on The Contender after weathering Charlie's tantrums for an hour. That first hour after I get home is BRUTAL. It's like his little brain short circuits or something and he cries and pulls and cries LOUD, LOUDER, LOUDEST!!! I'm at my wits end by 7:30, can't watch TV. Then by 8pm , like right now he's playing peacefully with toys etc. I warned both kids if they bothered or annoyed me they're going to bed. So they're angels. That's why I never put them to bed till almost 10pm cause this is MY TIME. lol

Oh well, time to put them to bed. ;(



The reason I don't ;ost more. Maybe when they move out I'll be able to get on the computer for awhile undisturbed. Weekend was blah, week is blah.

Blah blah blah


Friday, April 22, 2005

Friday Fabrications

My new buddy


Went to the casino today to cash in my $25 chip, threw that and another $20 on the table. A few spins later I cashed in $70!!!! OMG.

Free Fucking Money. But I know I know I know I know that I will lose if I keep doing it. So I won't.

Oh yea here is my evening when I get home from work .

Me: Hi

Charlie: WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!

Me: OMG, what now?

Charlie: WAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAH WAH WAH WAH!!!

ME: Putting child up for adoption.

He's finally calmed down and it's almost time for bed. Figures.

Cant' garden this weekend, too cold.


Tuesday, April 19, 2005 TRY THAT! It's good so far.

I GOT MY SPA TREATMENT TODAY AND REGISTERED JOHNNY FOR KINDERGARDEN!! I'm so excited. I'm sure I misspelled kindergarden but don't care. When I think of all his progress the past 5.5 years I'm so amazed.

I got a 1/2 hour back massage, eyebrow wax and make up lesson. Bought exfoliant and a tinted moisturizer foundation. EEK that shit's expensive. So even though I had a $150 gift certificate I spent $34 of my own. OUCH.

Then go to the fuck*n grocery store for 3 bags of groceries and spend $45!!! OMG tell me we don't have inflation. Even Walmart's more expensive than it used to be. Charlie's shirts/shorts used to be $2.88 and now it's $3.88.

My dollar's not going as far as it used to. BUT DON'T LET SOMETHING LIKE THAT CHANGE MY SPENDING HABITS! lol

Gotta put the kids to bed.


BTW: Bo Brice kicked all kinds of ass on American Idol tonight.

Monday, April 18, 2005

Catching Up

Had my first ToastMaster speech Friday, went well, everyone liked it.

Bowled a 118 on my third game Friday night. 2 points over my highest score!

Saturday was mellow and Sunday I'm starting to put my fantasy garden together. I always spend like $50 every year on stuff and about 1/4 of it actually comes back the next year. We have RABBITS and MOLES. The moles eat the roots and the rabbits eat the leaves. Not much of an incentive to plant anything. Thinking about a Lilac Bush, purple grass, colored dasy annuals and some othe perrennial flowers. the perennials from Kmart didn't survive last summer. Rabits ate them and they're not coming back. boo hooo. Gardening sucks.

Tired, getting my period, massively PMS'ing Sunday and Today. Jeez, just friggen get here already! Annoys me to wait for it.

Tired, going to bed.


Saturday, April 16, 2005

Strange Week

I was having a wonderful Saturday with the kids till about 5 minutes ago, they're screaming and fighting over a FRIGGEN BUMPER STICKER.

Be Right Back

Thursday, April 14, 2005





Sunday, April 10, 2005

Casino Nights

Well Mom's visit came and went in a blur. She got here Sat at 2pm, then we took the kids to Payless shoes and got them some summer sandals. Thanks Mom! Then we went to this park but there were so many HUGE bees and wasps flying around we left. They apparantly had nests underneath the soft cover thing uses to cushion the kids falls. Hope the park district sends some exterminators in or no one will be in that park all summer.

Then we went to McDonalds, then we had baked chicken dinner. Then put the kids to bed, they very much enjoyed Gramma reading them stories! Then we went to Harrah's Casino, it's a Saturday Night and the place is mobbed. Valet parking was open for only Diamond and Platinum members, but the lot for the peons and riff-raff was about 6 miles from the casino. We couldn't find a place to park and I was circling for another pass when I wound up in the Valet Parking area. Figuring Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained I pulled up and asked him to valet park. He DID!!!!! HOLY CRAP! That was wicked. This place is much friendler than Ameristar.

So wait in LINE for our cards, then we get these tickets and in an hour they're supposed to come up with a slot machine designation or cash and if it hits we win. So we're having our first drink at a restaurant bar and the bartender was a real Chatty Cathy. Very nice guy, takes one look at our ticket and says we have a winner! They were totally shining us on, getting us all excited and making plans for the money etc. So we wait in line AGAIN to redeem the ticket and what do we get?






OMG. Mom and I were cracking up. I took the travel mug and promptly lost it.

So anyway I hit the roullette table and over the course of the evening came out ahead and Mom won a nice chunk on the slot. Harrah's RULES!

So blah blah blah, the next day I look in my purse and what's on the bottom...



Now I have to drive all the way back there to cash this in. I also have a $5 from Ameristar. I MUST clean out my purse before I leave these places. It's annoying to have to go back there.

Maybe subconsiously I do want to go back there. So how will I avoid the temptation to place more bets?

Decisions Decisions.

Anyay we went to Walmart today and Mom left. I"m exhausted.


Friday, April 08, 2005

Work Sucks Again and I'm Tired

Work Sucks Again and I'm Tired and I have to go back to friggen work again tomorrow. Long story, have to do orders and credits to I can be caught up for Monday. Not how I Planned to spend the weekend. I'll have to go in early before Mom comes, hope I can nap for a bit.

Stomach ache seems to have been caused by coffee yesterday it's gone today.

We ate the Macaroni and Cheese I was saving for Mom, so she'd getting Baked Chicken.

Sorry Mom ;)


Why do I fall in Love with My Trainees?

Why do I fall in Love with My Trainees?

I think cause they're new they act really really nice and think I'm great and kiss my butt. I admit I love it. ;) I am flattered though, the one I just had a day with today wants the open spot in our group.

The locked door for Charlie is totally working out, he's sleeping much better.

My stomach hurt all day today, wonder if it was the coffee I had this morning.

The activities committee celebrated the first Cardinals's baseball game today, had red all over he place and let us drink beer at 3pm. That was cool , wish I could do that every day, would make the job alot easier. lol

Tired, going to bed. Hope I feel better tomorrow. Have a half day tomorrow, taking the kids to the play group.

My company also gave us $300 gift certificates to spend any way we wanted at about 50 different stores. That was fun divvying that up. Apprantly the God Director is all about the incentives and rewards. I guess that's why people follow her from job to job to job. Maybe I'll be one of them. Then again maybe not, the health and vacation here cannot be beat at another place. Sure is nice to have ALL OF THE ABOVE! LOL but I put up with alot of bullshit for this too.


Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Wednesday Morning - Hell Hasn't Broken Loose Yet

Just a note to say I"m over Monday. Tuesday was rough at work and NOW I gotta nother friggen trainee at my desk for 2 days. What the HELL. That puts me so far behind, just when I ever catch up this shit happens.

We've had to turn around the doorknob on Charlie's room cause he figured out he can open his bedroom door in the middle of the night and wander around. It's preety funny, you can see the trail he makes at 3am. Bedroom Light, Hall Light, Kitchen Light, Basement Light, wake Mom up and there he is sitting on the futon with this dazed look on his face. LOL

Or the other day he got out at 5-6am and came downstairs, must have been light cause he didn't turn on any. And fell back to sleep on the futon. I"m getting ready in the basement with music on and lights on and there he is passed out on the couch like a drunk after a bender. Scared me! LOL He looked so cute though.

BTW: Last night's American Idol. WORST EVER! And last week was the 2nd WORST EVER! They better get some new themes cause these suck!


Monday, April 04, 2005

Jennifer Goes to the Dentist

Jennifer Goes to the Dentist


in other words.




ok........I can look back to this morning with some detachment, but that was a traumatic experience. And I still need a fucking root canal because that fucking Todd Martin D.D.S. cracked my fucking tooth when he put the cap on it and now it's sensitive when I chew food on it. It's minor pain, have had it for over a year and compensated by chewing harder food on the other side but now one of the teeth on the top is on fucking Cavity Watch....What the fuck, you know how much this can cost me?

God Dammit.

Sigh, getting a grip.

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Quick Jot

Just a blurb before I swing into gear and put up a load of laundry and start dinner.

Went to Church again today, the kids seem to be enjoying the Nursery and we found out the Reverend is leaving. Jeeze, we are the kiss of death to these reverends, every time we join a church and like the reverend, they LEAVE.

Yesterday I found the mental and physical strength after a brief nap to take the kids to McDonald's. Was there for 3 hours. The kids love the tunnels and Johnny loves playing the Sonic Hedgehog video game. Will have to call them though, the games seem to be down more than they're up and it's annoying.

VERY VERY VERY sore from bowling Friday Night. Still feeling it on Sunday. Did grocery shopping last and having Tacos for dinner tonight, Roast Beef/Potatoes Monday for sure then other chicken related dishes the rest of the week culminating in MACARONIT AND CHEESE Saturday for Mom's visit! Don't worry, I got name brand tomatoes, but generic Mozzarella.

Started watching the movie Ray last night, it was EXCELLENT! We enjoyed it very much and I just got done watching The Reagans, boy they sure weren't kind to Nancy.


Don't forget The Contender is on at 7pm!

Friday, April 01, 2005


Had the meeting with the Director, it was great. She was impressed with my list of accomplishments that I've documented over the past 3 months, and I was able to express my willingness to take on new tasks.

Bowled today. 101 first game, forgot the other two, about my average of 90. My technique is improving even if my score isn't. I'm going to be sore tomorrow. Takes me 2 days to recover from bowling. Sucks that it's taken me 6 months to figure out how to bowl and the season is going to end.

Toastmasters meeting was good, always enjoy those.

FINALLY, got an appreciation gift from my sales people. $150 gift certificate to a SPA!!!!! I GET ANOTHER MASSAGE! OR A FACIAL AND A MASSAGE!!! The possiblities are endless and I can't pick from the cataloge. I'll let MOM help me when she visits next weekend! Can't wait to go to the casino.

Sending prayers of peace to the Pope, I hope he slips away comfortably, glad they're not going the route with all the tubes and stuff.

Hope I have the strength to take the kids to McDonalds tomorrow to play in the tunnels. Had to come home at 10pm to vacuum up friggen KC Masterpeice BBQ Spice that he dumped all over the basement carpet.

Oh yea, next post I"ll have to talk about my wacky highway adventure and the insane 3 inch bugs that seem to just waltz in from the back yard into the basement.
