Sunday, July 31, 2005


Not much going on. Same Same Same Same. Charllie vacillating between perfect angel and horrible demanding toddler.




Arkansas might be cheap but the room is not $5 a night. hee hee ..LOL

Finished my finances for the month. We up marginally over last month. Treading water with one income but not going broke either. Took the kids to Sears to get a new frying pan $10 for 8 inch and new silverware $67 for 60 peices. Nice quality stuff. We haven't had new silverware for 10 years or more probably, maybe since before the wedding? That would be scary considering our 17th anniversary is coming up Aug 20th. We seriously considering a car trip to Hope, ARK to visit the Bill Clinton birthplace . It would be like a pilgramage or something. We can get a room at the Best Western with an outdoor pool for $45 a night! wow. I thought we could leave sat at 7am, get to Little Rock ARK to visit the Bill Clinton Library Complex about 1pm, then get to the hotel. For Sat there is the Bill Clinton Birthplace in Hope, and Washington Historical Park to check out with original houses from the 1800's with people in costumes and all that stuff. Like Old World Wisconsin.

I'm so excited, it would be cheap and a quick car trip with the kids.

frig, charlie's here




Thursday, July 21, 2005

I'm at Work!

Love doing this at work. Something so illicit about it. ;)

Week is very very good. Things have slowed a bit at work, so the pressure is off. Gee, I can be funny and nice and happy when I'm not a stressed out wreck! I'm sure this won't last.

I have my second Toastmaster speech tomorrow! It's weird, I'm more nervous about this one than the first one, probably cause the expectations keep going up.

And my friend T is coming, that's not helping my nerves.

But things are great in my pod, have 2 new great people to sit next to. We actually have nice conversations, we've all had kids so it's fun to talk about our pregnancies and school etc.

Johnny's last day of summer school is today, so he'll be off for 3 weeks then go to KINDERGARTEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The weather here is unbelievably HOT! 99 degrees and rising to over 100+ later this week. Wow, St. Louis heat at it's finest. Last summer was so amazingly cool and mild, every day was an ectasy of summery breezes. Sigh, not now that's fur sure when we can't leave the house this weekend.

We are running out of places to take these kids. ;(

Anyhoo. That's about it.


Monday, July 18, 2005

My Trip


I'm back! I had a great day off today. Kids were good except for the 2 hour tantrum Charlie had when we left the thrift store, then it POURED RAIN and we had to get out of the car and into the house getting soaking wet. But other than that it was a very nice relaxing day. LOL!

The trip r o c k e d! Friday was mercifully a slow day at work and I got to catch up and I left at 3:30pm on the dot. The drive up was great, had the windows down enjoying the warm air and the farm smells. Got into Cicero at 8:30 on the dot. Had about 10 swad cars on the block next to mine. That Cicero, never a dull moment around there. I still miss that neighborhood sometimes.

So Mom and I went to the local watering hole where her boyfriend W has kereoke. I had a blast for the first three hours until all the yahoo guys had Pantera or Megadeath metal every song after 1am. So we left, well, mom had to practically drag me out of there. LOL I heard an amazing new song. My Best Friend by Depeche Mode. Describes addiction so perfectly.

Anyway, slept on the couch and then slept again on Mom's ROCK HARD bed, and again till 8:30, then showered etc. Then we went out to breakfast, YUM YUM. Then I went upstairs and met our new tenant. Very very nice lady. We talked for almost 2 hours!

So I got out of there, thank heavens I didn't have to pump the pipes cause the nice lady upstairs had paid a buddy of hers $30 to do it. PHEW I hate doing that.

SO THEN I WENT TO SARAH's ! Saw her new place. Wow. I loved it. They painted it and put tile down and decorated it and put tile down. It was like staying in a 4 star hotel. We were supposed to go to a comedy club but she suggested staying home eating pizza and renting a movie. Didn't have to twist my arm. I was hung over from last night and enjoyed spending one on one time with my sister. Something we NEVER get to do. We rented 28 Days Later. Wild movie! Totally freaky and horror and tripped out. Just what I was in the mood for. LOL

Then Sunday her and hubby left at 8am, I was sleeping on the air mattress on the floor. I love the air matress. Very comfortable. Slept in till 9:30am! WOW. So they were gone and I had till 12am to get ready. WOW time by myself! I was in heaven.

Went to my sister's for her daughter's 8th grade graduation and her son had birthday close to that and my sisters birthday a few days later. I got my sister a glass column with a Betty Boop etched inside of it. And my Mom donated the stand with the lights that swirl under it. She LOVED it! Made me very happy.

It was blisteringly hot outside and inside wasn't much better, she had about 25 relatives over. It was so nice to see all the aunts, great aunts, second cousins etc that I haven't seen in years.

I had to leave at 4pm, didnt' want to. I also wish my kids could have been there playing with the other kids.

The drive home was LONG! It usually is more of a grind than the way up, the trip is over and I am tired and just want to get home.

After a good night's sleep, I"m back to normal and wish I had a few more days off. ;)



Tuesday, July 12, 2005

omg omg omg omg omg omg omg

omg omg omg ! I did it!!! Look out !!! All my posts will have pics in them. HOW FUN!!!

Work sucked, left about 5:15, miss drama queen is starting to dump her work on me. Give me a break.

Kids are being pretty good.

Monday, July 11, 2005

Had a Scare Friday Night

Put the kids to bed Fri night, so routine I don't even write about it. Charlie and I read together TeleTubbies Bed Time, Good Night Baby Donald and Nursery Rhymes. Numbers has been dropped from the line-up due to time constraints. I.E. I'd be there all night reading stories if he had his way.

He sings Wheels on the Bus, Old MacDonald Had a Farm, Row Row Your Boat and my personal favorite, the Poky-Poky! Oops that was Charlie speak for Hokey Pokey! I wish I could tape him, it's so adorable.

So anyway, DH woke me in the middle of the night scaring the holy shit out of me by flinging open my door and turning on the light, then says something is wrong with Charlie. I go upstairs and he's in his bed, just laying there with his eyes open, all hot and flushed with fever and so congested he's WHEEZING with each breath.

HOLY SHIT! So I sat with him awhile and gave him some Tylenol and reluctantly went back to sleep. He wasn't agitated and DH sleeps right next door with both doors open. I was so upset I cried myself to sleep thinking if something serious would have been wrong with him.

I am very lucky, knock on wood.

So the next day he chilled on the couch watching cartoons all day and Sunday he seemed perkier and today he's fine. Kids, they get these fevers and colds and stuff and it passes over like a hurricane and it's gone.

SO anyway Sunday we decide to go out (bored and restless from sitting around all day Sat) and go to the ZOO. Um, it's friggen 97 degrees out and we go to the zoo. OK, not one of the brightest ideas we've ever had. We're pretty starved for cheap kids indoor activities around here. Needless to say it was HOT! LOL Johnny is walking behind me mumbling to himself , it's hot, it's hot it's HOT! LOL
Despite that we did enjoy it VERY MUCH. Charlie stayed in the stroller, had no desire to run off which is a plus. LOL. They had these beautiful trails there with all kids of amazing plants and flowers that I wish I could investigate in more detail. So we'll go in Nov when it cools off some.

So also today I want clothes shopping again(MUST STOP THAT) got some seriously more ass kicking outfits for Chicago this weekend. And Wed, I'm returning 2 items at NY & Company and need one white blouse to wear with my beige capri's.

I"m wearing my new black rayon/poly blouse with the black rayon/poly skirt with white pattern all over it. I WISH i could post damn pics to this blog. I'll definitely take pics in Chicago, my whole family will be there for my neice's graduation. With the gifts and the gas, this weekend will take a bite out of the monthly budget.

Work was better, left at 5:05pm today. Day 2! Much better.

Friday, July 08, 2005


Oh boy, looks like that 5pm policy bit me on the ass Wed when I stayed till 6pm putting in an order , but didn't finish it. Told my back up to just touch up a few things and get it in and it totally BLEW up when I was in training. Then friday came and it still was being worked on by the 'other half' of the team. The sales guy called me SCREAMING and hysterical.

But you know what? I told him I HAVE NO CONTROL ONCE I PUT IN THE ORDER That other person has to do it. If they don't do it or whatever it is NOT my problem.

So Day 1, I left about 5:10. Not bad.

CHICAGO next weekend! ;)

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Learned Something Today

I attended this seminar/training/class thing today for Interpersonal Communication in the WorkPlace all day and took a test to determine our 'personality types'. Turns mine was D for Dominant (at work, not in our personal lives).

Says D's can get belligerant when forced to work with others, prefer to be independent. Needs advancement or more job opportunities. Have high expecations of others, impatient, intolerant, etc.

The more I think about it the more I am realizing that is probably why I've been so very unhappy at this new job in St. Louis. The mgmt want the employees to be S or C types. S's are more easy going, don't speak up, don't have all these high expectations. Just want to plan the work and work the plan C's are consientious, careful, follow the rules, etc.

'I' types are very people oriented, very social and outgoing.

I think my personality type is clashing with the above 3. It's sad cause I'm in the golden cage. I have stock I can't sell till March so I can't burn up the pavement looking for another job. And this one has amazing vacation benefits and low premiums for health insurance and generous sick leave policy (which I don't even use, but should)

So my new plan of action is to be an S. Fuck it, I officially give up expecting or trying to achieve advancement, opportunities, promotions etc. I will just come to work and leave. That's it. I'm sick of being stressed out and upset over every little thing goes on etc.

I GIVE UP! Can't finish something by 5pm. Forget about it, leave.

ha ha, we'll see how long this lasts but I certainly will give it my best effort.

Let's consider July 8 Day 1. It takes 21 days to develop a new habit.

BTW: This place is near this huge Toys R Us and I popped in and bought some toys for the kids. OMG. Everything is so friggen expensive. I mean it's plastic crap and everything is $20, $20, $20 or $14.99. That's ridiculous! I can't even buy much for my kids birthday without going over a hundred bucks.

Charlie loved the toys.


Monday, July 04, 2005

Happy 4th!

Happy 4th of July everyone! Mine was BLAH. Took the kids to McDonald's where Charlie took a semi liquid poo poo that covered him from belly to butt-crack. I had to run to the car, dig in the back of the trunk for a diaper. Take this 'child-baby' to the bathroom, lay him on the changing table. He's so big his feet were hanging over the edge. LOL and wipe all that up with friggen yick yucko with wet napkins and toilet paper that disintegrated in sink water.


BRB, going to get another beer. Will stop correcting my typo's in about another minute. I really hate this keyboard. btw, this is only my third beer.

Ok. Anyway, I also took Johnny to see the town fireworks. They were very nice and he enjoyed them very much. It was a beautiful night.

Just finished watching the VERY OLD 1998 BBC version of Vanity Fair that was on A&E many many years ago. I taped the whole thing but because of the 'time change', the timer got messed up and I missed the last hour. PISSED OFF! So I finally saw the whole thing again. Wonderful wonderful production. I just love European TV and movies. The realism in people's skin and teeth etc. None of that 'fake' hollywood crap. I love it, how refereshing.

We're watching Oz Season 5 and will finish up the Alias. Then it's on to Penn & Teller's BULLSHIT Season 2 that was on Showtime, then a bunch of movies that I'll review then the next TV series will be probably BattleStar Gallactica. I've heard great things about it.

Well, off for another day of vegging out and reading my 'chick lit' books. lol


Saturday, July 02, 2005


Sorry I actually went Mon through Fri without posting. Work sucked beyond belief. Very stressful, then Thursday night was the washer tournament final and patio party, usually I blow past those on my way to the car, but I got a strange bug to stay late.

They had an Elvis impersonator which was fun. Should have left after that. Then a bunch of people were partying on the porch. The weather was so beautiful, warm with a mild breeze. I could have stayed out there all night. I talked with our new 'team lead' and we came to an understanding. Who knows, maybe she'll help me like this stupid job and this stupid place. Wound up chatting with her and my manager till 10:30pm! Eeek! Didn't intend that but we were disecting some altercation I had with someone earlier in the day.

Turns out I was wrong. Yea, what else is new. I'm always wrong at that place.

Anyway. Friday was spent hung over. Saturday was laundry and cleaning. I bought $30 worth of fireworkds for me and the kids to shoot off. They totally love it. Charlie doesn't like the loud ones.

Boy he's talking so good now. It's funny when I put him to bed he keeps coming up with all these books for me to read and orders me SIT DOWN! Sigh, he's a hard one.

Johnny's congested and was up at 5:30am, and stayed awake in my bed till 6:30am till I finally turned on the TV and computer and got him some juice. Then Charlie was also up before 7am. WHAT THE HELL IS WITH THESE KIDS????? SLEEP LATE DAMMIT!

I friggen put them to bed late enough.

Still watching Alias, Season 3. One of the discs is bad so we'll return it and start watching OZ Season 5.

Guess that's it for now, church tomorrow with the new reverend. I get so annoyed at these stupid churches that get you used to a reverend you like then move them! That's crap.

Off to chill and relax for the next few days.
