Monday, February 28, 2005


Love watching American Idol with Charlie, he dances now. And he'll pull my hand and say 'Dance Dance'! It's so CUTE!

Ugh, this blogging is so addicting. I watched American Idol and these are my thoughts.

Mario = Pimped too much, marginally talented. Doesn't WOW me.

Anwar - I like him alot. Seems like a sincerely nice guy.

Joseph Merna something - Really Really stepped up the performance this week. Liked him better than the previous 2.

Constantine - if Bo Brice didn't show this guy up every performance I would like him more. BUT I disagree with the judges last week. I liked his rendition of Kiss from a Rose.

Scott Savol - Like his voice, he's freaky personality.

Travis Tucker - LOVED the dancing, his vocals were weak on the song but the energy of the performance made up for it.

Niko Smith - For the first time I REALLY liked this guy.

Anthony - for the first time I didn't like his performance. After the others he seemed so bland.

BO BRICE!!!! Words are not adequate to express how ass kicking that performance was.

The Day After

Matt drove to Cicero today to fix the house. There was a bunch of stuff broken when I was there so it's best to get everything out of the way at once. New stove for Maya, shock Maya's bathroom sink, fix Maya's doorknob, fix Maya's kitchen faucet, fix Maya's leaky pipes under her kitchen sink. Replace front door knob. The only thing he didn't get to was replacing the front screen door cause it's too cold out to mess with it.

So, that left me ALL DAY with the kids. Very interesting. We had good times, we had bad times. Johnny went to school willingly, didn't have a fit like he does when he knows I'm going to be home. It was cute, he ran to the bus then started crying cause he wanted his hat! lol.

Having a toddler shadow you all day is an interesting experience, imagine being followed from room to room to room and whenever you try to accomplish something like laundry a gremlin messes it up. Or you are commanded not to leave the couch. It's so weird being ordered around by this tiny little person who can barely talk.

BUT I did manage 2 loads of laundry, a load of dishes, 3 meals, and a trip to Aldi ALSO I vacuumed the basement. That was a major task, the kids had kindly dumped all the parsley out of the toy box into one nice pile for me to vacuum. Such nice kids ;)

My tiny warden did let me catch a quick cat nap around 2-3ish. That was nice. It's so weird, I never get the urge to nap at work but when I'm home, I HAVE to have a nap to get through the day.

I'm tired and going to bed now.

Charlie Tantrums = 2 major ones. One cause I wouldn't let him in the unfinished part of the basement. It is hard doing laundry cause he wants to get back there, but all he does is mess stuff up, like the tools or 'my' bathroom. The other was a dinner tantrum, he doesn't do 'hunger' very well.

Sunday, February 27, 2005

Tired, but it's a GOOD Tired.

I'm BACK!! IT WAS A GREAT VISIT WITH THE FAMILY! I'll have lots of details but I have to get the kids in bed. It's 9:07pm and way past their bed time. I'm very very very very very very very tired. Had too much fun wink wink.

Not catching much of the Oscar's tonight. Will have to catch up with it in the Enquirer. I also keep losing my Newsweek before I finish reading it. Very annoying.

Saw Jocelyn's post from Friday, printed and will read tomorrow. Looks like an interesting story.

I played with Charlie exclusively for over an hour the minute I walked in the door. He missed me very much. He's talking so much now, I can't believe it. It's wonderful to see him exhibit the 'normal' 2 year old behavior after what I went through with Johnny. Now they're chasing each over all over the house. I love watching them play together.

Matt had taken them to McDonalds and they played so hard they ate and ate and ate and ate for dinner. 2 pieces of pizza each then they had toast about an hour after that. Now that Matt's taken them to McDonald's, I'm not sure where I could take them. It's a shame I don't know anyone around here so I can just go over to their house and let them run around. I could take them to work for a visit but Charlie I KNOW would be a handful.

Ta ta for now.

Friday, February 25, 2005

What day is today? FRIDAY!

Waah! . Can't go to Chicago today. But I will lurch my fat butt out of bed before dawn's early light to hit the road first thing tomorrow! Get to stop at QT gas station to procure something they call 'coffee' on the way. Then go to the thrift store, then go to Mom's, eat something, then take a nap, then pump air into the pipes, then relax, then eat, then shower and get read for Aunt Kathy's PARTY!!! Woo Hoo! Can't wait, another Saturday night at Andy's. I love going there with my Sistahs and Mom etc.

Charlie's fever is gone, he was up at 6:30am!! Just sitting on the couch. Made him comfortable with juice, diaper change, blanket, TV then went back to sleep till 9:30. Feel much better.

Been reading the kids books all day. Sigh.......I'm such a GOOD MOM! lol.

Lakewood 2-Flat

Lakewood 2-Flat

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Charlie, Charlie, Charlie.........

He better be rich, he owes me. Kept us up till 2:30am cause he fell out of bed and wouldn't go back to sleep. Kept trying but waking up every 10-30 minutes and crying and crying and crying. Needless to say I'm tired.

Work Wednesday was stress to the ultimate max. Had a sales close sensitive order that had to be in before COB. Took me all day. Never took a whole day to do an order before.


Charlie was VERY difficult tonight, very clingy, pulling alot. I think he's sick with an ear infection. Has a low fever and is holding his ear and saying OW.


Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Monday again..........oh it's Tuesday?

Work is and was horrible. Hate this new job. Can't get another one cause the vacation and benefits and pay are so good. I call it the 'Golden Noose'. Feels like one too.

Anyway. All the girls sounded the SAME on American Idol. Might as well stop watching it now that Simon announced Carrie Underwood was going to win it. Jeeze. Pimp much Simon?

Kids were good, took ANOTHER bath. Soaked the FLOOR again. I could sit there and watch them, but then I wouldn't be watching American Idol. lol Bad mom. I shudder to see our new pool in the basement.

Charlie Tantrums = 0 , did catch him running with a knife and he ripped up a bunch of covers for the video tapes. Being a mom on the internet while my kids tears the house apart is HARD work. ;)

Monday, February 21, 2005

Blah Monday

Charlie woke up at the unholy hour of 7:30am. Not bad for a work day but I was off today. Then John got up about 8:30 ish. Then I got hit with the 'cramps'. Matt was up so I went back to bed till almost 11am! WOW. Didn't expect to sleep that long. But it took care of the cramps. Haven't had those since before I went on the pill 20 years ago.

Finally got the fish game to work with the autoclicker. Blew through 3 levels like cottage cheese.

The Macaroni and Cheese didn't turn out that great last night. Aldi's canned tomatoes aren't that great and used too much parmesan instead of mozzarella cheese. Each batch turns out different. I'll set my calendar to April for the next one.

Made brownies and me and the kids hogged on the unused brownie mix. Yum.

Finally got the laundry off the basement floor. Did 2 loads. Gave the kids a bath after dinner and they got tons of water in the basement cause they were splashing around too much.

Watched the first performance of American Idol. Loved a few of the performances, Constantine, Bo, Judd and one other guy. We'll see how the voting goes. Hate it when the show drags it out forever.

Wish I had a few more days off work.

Going to Chicago next week. That'll be interesting.

Sunday, February 20, 2005


Holy crap! What a gorgeous day, about 63 degrees, sunny and windy.

Kids slept in, didn't drink beer last night so my mind is clear.

I had to take 1/2 of a 1/2 of a sleeping pill cause my cough wouldn't let me go to sleep. It's rough I tell ya. Coughing on and off during the day, but it seems to be worse at night. Post nasal drip. yuck.

Anyway we took the kids to the park and this lady and her kids brought their 3 dogs. She actually let our kids hold the leash on the dogs, Johnny didn't have a big interest in it which surpised me but Charlie loved it! He and the dog just took off!!! Cracked me up, it was such a tiny little dog that Charlie was actually pulling her as he ran! I enjoyed watching him, it was so cute.

Having Macaroni & Cheese tonight. Actually when I'm done with this I have to start the water boiling. The basement is COVERED in laundry, I just have no motivation to start it. Enjoying my leisure time too much I guess.

LEG IS STILL SORE! Ouch, the bowling league should pay for my Tylenol, lol.

Still watching OZ: Season 4. Just finished disc 3

Saturday, February 19, 2005

Bowled Last night

I"m tired, my left thigh is sore. I bowled last night. The first game was very very bad at 65. Then I just gave up being fancy and went for just getting the ball to the end of the lane. It worked, then a little power on it and my score shot up to 109 in the second game and 116 for the tird. Only 3 points below my highest game. Not bad. Guess I got a little excited, some guy said every time I got over a 8-9 I acted like I just wone the CAR on the Price is Right.

Wish this thing had emoticons.

Had the Toastmasters meeting yesterday. LOVED IT!! I was Madame Toastmaster who hosted it etc. I deliriously happy when that was over. It's nice to be with people who are all focusing on being supportive and positive.

AND I got a kudos from a co worker. Forwarded that to the boss and his boss, so I'll get recognized in the 'monthly' meeting when the VP comes down from the mountain to give the 'talk'.

Took Johnny grocery shopping, he was very good. Charie's been very good today as well. He's on a streak.

Charlie Tantrums = few , but minor. Wanted Cheetoh's before dinner.

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Getting a Cold, Toastmasters and Survivor

Saw the season premiere of Survivor - Paulau. Whoopee, big twist then the same old thing. Watch it like a bad habit.

I'm the TOASTMASTER tomorrow for the meeting. Kind of nervous. Can't say Um. Had the Executive Committee meeting today. Went well, they're a nice group.

Work went ok. Mgr is on his second sick day in a row, about 3 for the year so far. We're a fun group though, don't need him. My friend 'J' got a new job in sales. I will miss her. I still have 'T' though. Talked her into going to the TM meeting.

Charlie Tantrums = about 3 but minor. Nothing nuclear. He's on his 3rd day of the 'good mood'. I'll take it. Got ahold of the ketchup but didn't get to do any damage.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Decent Day

Wed Feb 16

Not bad day. Took the kids to Johnny's school for his literacy night. The kids enjoyed playing with the stuff in all the different class rooms.

Charlie Tantrums = 0

GREAT NIGHT! Kids watching Sesame Street while I get to computer. nice.

Tomorrow is the ToastMaster Executive Committee meeting. Hope the Treasurer job isn't too much stess. American Idol on again soon.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005


11pm , I NEED to go to sleep. NOW. Tonight's episode of American Idol wasn't very good. I hate all that manufactured drama. We watched OZ, Season 4, Disc 2, Episode 1. AMAZING.

Charlie Tantrums = 0



Ok. Some Background on me, in case anyone is still reading this. lol

Married 20 years

2 kids Johnny 5.5 years old and Charlie 2.5 years old

Work full time at a company that sells hardware/software to financial trading floors.


OH NO 'someone' opened a jar of Parsley and dumped in their toy box!


This'll be fun to clean up off the toys that had previously had soda
explode all over them.


Feb 15 - First Post

WOW! I have a blog! My first one. Work was ok. Going to make an effort to market my image better. Charlie my 2.5 year old was in a good mood. Got to watch American Idol ;) Best season yet.