Sunday, May 22, 2005


I've come to the ironic conclusion that 'My Life' is actually busy sometimes. ;)

Got Charlie's results on Thursday, he is language/speech delayed and has all the stuff Johnny had at that age but nowhere near the severity. I'm supposed to be contacted to set up an IEP meeting and his goals will be hammered out for the next school year. They had BETTER recommend or tell me that he will be in a classrooms setting.

I'm so excited. My 2 boys in school!!!!

Also Charlie has peed in the toilet all day! Did not wear a diaper at all after getting up. But he also ran around naked about 3/4 of that time. He takes off all his clothes when he pees and leaves them off.

Saturday I actually had the kids out for 7 hours! They've never been out of the house for 7 hours before. My friend Tina and her son Jack who is Charlie's age, we met at Grant's Farm. A famous St. Louis attraction. The weather was about low to mid 80's. It was a pure slice of heaven, being with the kids, drinking a few beers (they are free) the whole park is owned by Anhausierser (sp) Bush family. We all had a great time. We went to a park after that and let the kids play there.

I was so exhausted when I got home, I layed down for an hour in Charlie's bed (favorite napping place cause I can still hear them if they get into anything) then at night I slept 9 hours straight!!!! WOW. That is a record. Felt like I was drugged this morning. Had a hard time getting up. Still tired.

Then Matt went to Cicero today to rent out the apartment upstairs. Don't know WHAT is going on with the Cicero rental market lately. We got about 4 phone calls since we ran the add. Our phone used to ring off the hook with those. So wish us luck on renting this thing out. It is very difficult to give up that rent money for a month.

My cone flower is looking perkier. The leaves look chewed and one of them is crumbling on one side. Too much water? I definitely do NOT have a green thumb.

That's about it for now. I wish I had tomorrow off. Good Night!


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