Monday, May 30, 2005


DayLilly: No change from when the rabits chewed off the stalks with the flowers, but the leaves are still grean. Prognosis: NOT DEAD YET

Yarrow: SAME but fading fast.

Lemon Verbena: Almost doubled in size, my success story. I seem to have about a 1 out of 7 chance of success each spring with all my purchases. PROGNOSIS: Can't wait till my whole property smels of Spearmint and Lemon. YUM. The former owner has tons of wild spearmint that is growing out of control all over. And some other herb whose smell I can't identify.

Coneflower: Looking a little perkier, dropped the bottom leaves and is a little taller. PROGNOSIS: UNCLEAR

Hollyhock: Growing nicely. PROGNOSIS: GOOD! Another Success!

Crown Vetch: Growing these teeny tiny leaves. Not dead yet. PROGNOSIS: UNSURE but I am optmistic.

Lilac: Still droopy. PROGNOSIS: Regret this purchase, not even sure if it will flower next year. I'm stuck with a friggen $20 droppy green bush. Yuck

Marigolds: Much perkier after watering

Success Story: One of the 7 perrenials I bought from KMart last year has come roaring back with a vengance this year. So basically this flower cost me $28.


Remind me to tell you guys the hilarious story about Johnny and the tree.

Spend a day with the kids. Charlie has this 'shrieking' thing happening when he doesn't get his way. Need to do something about that.

My mind is still spinning.

Going to bed.


Saturday, May 28, 2005

Me Again!

Hey! It's Saturday Night! Am I doing anything exciting? HELL NO!

I'm at home in front of the computer. Whoopee!


Havent' left the house since yesterday. Loved watching Johnny on his eval. Wathing him answer all those questions. He's so smart!

DH took Johnny to the doctor, he got 3 'pinchies' but handled them well. Said they made him sad. Awww

He's in the 90th percentile for height AND weight. His weight shot up to 52lbs! WOW. HE has been eating so much more lately. Think I will have to start being careful with him. When he was 2.5 years old he'd go days and days without eating. Now he's a butterball. LOL.

He's a fan of Mystery Science Theater 3000 also! We've been totally watching them all weekend. Loved the Wild Wild World of BatWoman. Too funny!


Thursday, May 26, 2005



New Plants barely hanging in there. Lilac is droopy. How much fucking water
does this thing need? oh my god.

New curtains kick ass.

Dyeing my hair now. Kids been fighting almost non stop over these balloons I brought home from work last week. I brought home 7 balloons and they still find something to fight about! Yikes.

Have to take Johnny to a PEELS eval at 12pm. (Long Story) and DH is taking him to the doctor for his kindergarden physical (he has to get 3 shots!!!). Poor Kid.

Then someone has to go grocery shopping.

The apartment situation in Cicero is looking better. DH has alot more applicants to see Sunday. Another day alone with the kids for me. Wish me luck.


Sunday, May 22, 2005


I've come to the ironic conclusion that 'My Life' is actually busy sometimes. ;)

Got Charlie's results on Thursday, he is language/speech delayed and has all the stuff Johnny had at that age but nowhere near the severity. I'm supposed to be contacted to set up an IEP meeting and his goals will be hammered out for the next school year. They had BETTER recommend or tell me that he will be in a classrooms setting.

I'm so excited. My 2 boys in school!!!!

Also Charlie has peed in the toilet all day! Did not wear a diaper at all after getting up. But he also ran around naked about 3/4 of that time. He takes off all his clothes when he pees and leaves them off.

Saturday I actually had the kids out for 7 hours! They've never been out of the house for 7 hours before. My friend Tina and her son Jack who is Charlie's age, we met at Grant's Farm. A famous St. Louis attraction. The weather was about low to mid 80's. It was a pure slice of heaven, being with the kids, drinking a few beers (they are free) the whole park is owned by Anhausierser (sp) Bush family. We all had a great time. We went to a park after that and let the kids play there.

I was so exhausted when I got home, I layed down for an hour in Charlie's bed (favorite napping place cause I can still hear them if they get into anything) then at night I slept 9 hours straight!!!! WOW. That is a record. Felt like I was drugged this morning. Had a hard time getting up. Still tired.

Then Matt went to Cicero today to rent out the apartment upstairs. Don't know WHAT is going on with the Cicero rental market lately. We got about 4 phone calls since we ran the add. Our phone used to ring off the hook with those. So wish us luck on renting this thing out. It is very difficult to give up that rent money for a month.

My cone flower is looking perkier. The leaves look chewed and one of them is crumbling on one side. Too much water? I definitely do NOT have a green thumb.

That's about it for now. I wish I had tomorrow off. Good Night!

Wednesday, May 18, 2005


Help me! How do I plant a friggen plant? The cone flower is totally collapsed.

NEXT TOPIC: Get Charlie's results tomorrow.

NEXT TOPIC: I have hardly read my new book in 3 days or any of my magazines. Sigh.

NEXT TOPIC: Night! ;)

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Bo Bice

My. I'm glad my husband wasn't in the room when Bo sang his second song. LOL
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. yum

Took Charlie for his Special Ed eval. Boy he is one smart cookie. Kept pulling on me to leave though. Hope he gets in.

RABBITS killed my cone flower! It's all droopy and half eaten. I give up.

Have a headache, have to put the kids to be soon.


Saturday, May 14, 2005

I think you need to sit down to read this post.....

WE BOUGHT NEW CURTAINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I finally found 120" x 84" sheers with pinch pleats. Can't wait to get them from Sears. Charlie's been ripping the holes I feel we should try out for the Beverly Hillbillies or something. I feel like putting a sign in the window saying WE ARE GETTING NEW CURTAINS! DON'T PANIC AND SELL YOUR HOUSE BECAUSE THE NEIGHBORHOOD IS GOING BAD. lol

Charlie has his Special Ed evaluation Tuesday with the results Thur morning. He's doing so good they might kick him out after a year of the preschool. Maybe I can get him qualified for the Pre K program.

Planted the ConeFlower and the Marigolds. THAT's it! No more! My legs are sore. I posted all the pics on OFOTO you all should have gotten the link. USE the 2nd email cause you don't have to sign in.

Matt took the kids outside to wash the car, it was so cute seeing them out there like that.

Guess that's it for now. My Je` Ne` Se` Quoi seems to be returning, but there's that little nugget of rage burning over the job thing.


Friday, May 13, 2005


OMG. It's like a friggen compulsion now. I just bought 1 Yarrow 'Debutante', one Lemon Verbena (which smells wonderful), 6 Crown Vetches, 1 Coneflower. I have GOT TO STOP! AND I think a fucking rabbit knawed (sp) all the tops of my Day Lilly off.


And I saw a frog in the back yard too.


I haven't posted lately because I am depressed. I was bypassed as the Team Lead position for our group. 'M' is leaving and the manager picked someone from a different group to be Team Lead. I almost had a nervous breakdown in the HR dept. Cause the asshole knew I'd be furious and called me on his cell phone to go to a private room to get the news.

What a kick in the head. I have been alternatly depressed and furious by turns for a week. Holy crap, has it been a week already? Wednesday we were supposed to have this 2 hour training I left early sick. Fuck this shit.

I honestly do not know what to do at this point. The manager is giving me all these 'things' I have to work on to improve communicating to my team mates. I belive he had some valid points but these things also could have been addressed after I got the position. I told him at my January review I wanted this position and he spent the last 3 months grooming me for it. I was BETRAYED.

There is one more position I want, if I get passed over for that. That's it. I guess I'll just do my minimum and leave every day. It's depressing.

Also the older I get the less tolerant I am getting of people. Why does everyone around me chew gum? Some girl/woman was popping bubbles so loud I heard it all the way across the office. The other one makes that little bubble smacking noise , and the guy sitting next to me chews either bubble gum or sunflower seeds ALL FRIGGEN DAY. SO that's what I get to listen to. Some guy chewing. GROSS. I think he has an oral fixation.

So, anyway. That's it. I'm depressed.

Sunday, May 08, 2005


I'm in year 2 of the 5 year Gardening Plan. lol. My iris's are up and they're yellow and Beautiful!!! With the addition of the marigolds and Matt planted the Lilac bush today the front looks GREAT!!!! In the back yard I bought one Day Lily and next week I'm going to get one Daisy plant. Both are perrenials and I will alternate them and in a few years the patch should be filled with Yellow and White! Hm. Might throw a purple in there too. Then this other section I'm going to fill with wild grasses. Have a Pampas grass then I just planted some other grass. I'm very excited now about my gardening work and abilities.

Matt took the kids out for awhile for Mothers Day. The quiet was nice, but not long enough. LOL . I'd need about 3 days straight to do all I need to do around here.

Next post is more serious about work.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

48 Marigolds, 12 Silvas, 1 Purple Grass and Gerber Daisies, 1 Lilac Bush

48 Marigolds, 12 Silvas, 1 Purple Grass and 1 Lilac Bush, and Gerber Daisies

That's my planting this year. Got the Marigolds from church. Didn't realize there were 48 of the little suckers till I got home. That took 2 hours. Then we had a Cinco De Mayo party at work and I got to take home the plants they used as decorations. The kids dug up my bulbs I planted in the pot in the backyard which really pissed me off.

So I have a few things left then I"m done for the season. Till it's time to plant the MUMS! I LOVE MUMS!!!!

I LOVE TANA! But oms, she needs to stop saying OMG. I mean OMG stop saying OMG!

Don't think God would like that. I believe it's one of the Commandments.


Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Checking In

Sorry for the lack of posts. Things feel crazy lately. Choosing sleep over posting. How selfish of me ;)

Did the Bowling thing Friday my first game was a 122. Which for me was AWESOME. So someone suggested using a heavier ball. SO I started using the 12lb ball and was doing ok then my third time up the DAMN thing carried me halfway down the lane! I FELL!

How embarrasing and how SORE I was for over 2 days as my poor leg muscles tried to support my weight as my hands were slipping on the oily wood. That was NOT one of my finer moments.


Scott Savol voted off AI about 5 minutes ago. What a dumbass. His first song was great and even his singing to Simon was cute. But I think he got way too cocky after that and America showed him what's what.

The Group Sing was SO AMAZING! Bridge Over Troubled Water with all of them. I LOVED IT.

Work is work is work is work is work.

Charlie's been good. Talking much more. His progress is so incredible.
