DayLilly: No change from when the rabits chewed off the stalks with the flowers, but the leaves are still grean. Prognosis: NOT DEAD YET
Yarrow: SAME but fading fast.
Lemon Verbena: Almost doubled in size, my success story. I seem to have about a 1 out of 7 chance of success each spring with all my purchases. PROGNOSIS: Can't wait till my whole property smels of Spearmint and Lemon. YUM. The former owner has tons of wild spearmint that is growing out of control all over. And some other herb whose smell I can't identify.
Coneflower: Looking a little perkier, dropped the bottom leaves and is a little taller. PROGNOSIS: UNCLEAR
Hollyhock: Growing nicely. PROGNOSIS: GOOD! Another Success!
Crown Vetch: Growing these teeny tiny leaves. Not dead yet. PROGNOSIS: UNSURE but I am optmistic.
Lilac: Still droopy. PROGNOSIS: Regret this purchase, not even sure if it will flower next year. I'm stuck with a friggen $20 droppy green bush. Yuck
Marigolds: Much perkier after watering
Success Story: One of the 7 perrenials I bought from KMart last year has come roaring back with a vengance this year. So basically this flower cost me $28.