Thursday, March 31, 2005

Thursday Thoughts

Looks like we've ALL been busy this week. No updated blogs. Tsk Tsk. LOL Mine included. Had a Terrible Tuesday and a Horrific Wednesday and now on to Thoughtful Thursday. ;)

Was DENIED for the Canada job, got my raise though.

With the Canada thing out of the way I can sleep at night. My last hurdle is talking to our Director tomrorrow morning. I have an appointment. It's not the God Director, more like the St. Peter Director.

Charlie is on like day 157 of his hunger strike. Think I'll have to hit some of the parenting boards for this one. Went through the same thing with Johnny. It's HORRIBLE. 2.5 years old is the WORST age for kids, the cutest, but the WORST.

I guess that's it. Went to Walgreen's and blew almost $40 on just CRAP. Can't believe it! I'm excited about my Mom's coming next weekend.

Toastmasters (no speech, was a butthead and thought I had a half day Friday so i'm bumped till April 15. And BOWLING. Ugh. Really regret the committment to that. Next time I'm subbing ONLY. Unless I find some serious buds to bowl with.

Apprentice is on now. later. And also I have to address Jessica Sierra's ouster on American Idol.

And wish Terri Schiavo peace in Heaven.


Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Argh! Why is everything so F**ing Slow?

OH apparantly I'm not the only one who notices grubbily dressed teens/people at church. There was an article in the Trib yesterday about it. Un real, their attitude is the church should be grateful they are showing up at all, and/or God doesn't care how they're dressed. Look. I don't expect 3 piece suits and $100 new outfits to be worn to church. But it wouldn't kill these brats to show respect to their Lord and to the occassion by throwing on a pair of khaki's and a polo or whatever. It's RESPECT you little fuckers. I guess that lesson didnt' sink in too deep in Sunday School.

Couldn't post last night because apparantly Blogspot couldnt' be bothered to serve me.

I feel like I"m in one of those Star Trek episodes where I'm 1 1/2 time faster then the world around me. Specially my computer at work and certain web sites, and blowing past old ladies on the highway.

Charlie played in the backyard for quite awhile yesterday in the warm weather and got tired and was cranky last night. He's on a hunger strike, barely eating more than 3 bites of any meal. If I ate like he did I'd weigh 120lbs.

Johnny did the same thing at his age and apparantly I did too. It's very annoying to keep offering food that doesn't get eaten by His Royal Highness, Sir Pain in the Butt.

Needless to say, hungry and tired is not a good combination for Charlie when I'm trying to watch horrible misbehaving kids on Nanny 911. LOL

Day 1 past with no news about Canada.

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Sunday - Happy Easter!

CHURCH: Kids weren't too bad. They had a chalkboard with chalk for Charlie to play with. I might actually go again next week. The service was good and they had 2 youths participating in the service, that's VERY nice but "WHO THE HELL DRESSED THESE KIDS!!!!

The boy had on a baggy shirt and baggy baggy jeans and the girl went the opposite way with skin tight stretch jeans with a tight tshirt and a tight sweater over it so all her rolls were hanging out. She wasn't fat or anything but that outfit didn't leave much to the imagination.

I feel so damn old sometimes. Considering it was Easter Service, Matt wore his $450 suit and I wore a lilac blouse with charcoal grey pants. I even dressed up the dang kids. Johnny wore a print shirt with blue pants and Charlie looked adorable with his black dress shoes (thrift store) , green pants and green print shirt. I mean we all MADE AN EFFORT TO LOOK NICE FOR A SPECIAL OCCASSION!!!!!

BTW: Yesterday's word was : >obstreperous < meaning Hostile or Confrontational
I heard it on Are You Being Served? But it sounded like it had an L in it.

Watched 1/2 of Vanity Fair with Reece Witherspoon. Not bad, not great.


Saturday, March 26, 2005


I took a hiatus from blogging to mourn Terri Schiavo. Havent' felt this strongly about a current event in awhile. So I'll try to give updates on My Life while still keeping vigil.

Finished Close Week without too much bloodshed. Talked to big boss about working in a new department that handles Canadian orders. Will mean trips to Toronto to learn their process but they seem to be still doing things 'old school' so it'll be like being
a BA again. No more dealing with some of the obstrobuluous people I've been forced to come into contact with. It'll be interesting to see where they put this new dept. they are running out of rooom.

Friday we took the kids to The Magic House in Kirkwook. Yikes it was expensive. It's a kids museum and Charlie loved playing with all the stuff there. But since it is a converted house the upper floors were claustraphobic and I was paranoid all the time of losing the kids because of the large numbers of people and kids floating around. I miss the kids museum in Navy Pier.

Bowling and Toastmasters Next Friday April 1, I give my first five minute speech. Was supposed to on March 18 but people are dropping out like flies from this club. What a bunch of losers. TOASTMASTERS RULES!

Tomorrow I have to go to Church with Matt and kids cause it's Easter. It will be an ordeal that I"m not looking forward to because the kids hate being left in that nursery.

Saw Mean Girls last night. REALLY cute!!! Very very clever writing. Didn't know tha it was written by Tina Fey. Amazing.

Didn't do much today, sat on my butt. Made a chocolate cake with strawberries in the middle.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Prayer Request: Terri Schiavo

As I sit in my nice warm house with my 2 cars outside that are filled with gas waiting to take me to my job tomorrow and husband and healthy children sleeping upstairs. Right now Terri Schiavo is fighting for her life in a hospital bed somewhere, her organs craving nutrients, her muscles breaking down to be used as food by the body. It's very sad. It just makes me sick that the parents are not allowed to get her any rehabilitation because of that asshole husband of hers. Can you imagine watching your child starve to death because of some court order? To bad they couldn't sneak her out in the middle of the night or something. There are videos of her and I don't believe there is 'nothing' there. There is something there, it isn't much but it is something.

She's been on my mind alot these past few days, it just freaks me out that it has come this far and there's nothing anyone can do to stop this. It's sick.

For the first time ever I'm rooting for the Republican Congress! That's scary.

God Bless you Terri, I hope you find comfort in Heaven.

Monday, March 21, 2005





Anyhoo, Charlie's been peeing in the toilet pretty consistently at night. It's so adorable, hopefuly this will be on the road ot potty training. No more diapers!

We bought a ar purifyer so the cigar's don't stink up the whole house. It totally works!

It's hard not to correct my typo's, must be a compulshion. If I rely let loose and didnt' fix these you couldnt' rad th rest of this. lol

I'm not drunk or anything. lol

Got some mental rest when matt took Charlie to target for awhile. Got to watch Nanny 911 in peace.

Work was bland, needed it after the insanity of last week. But h i think sales close madness will hit tue, wed, thur.

going to bed now


Sunday, March 20, 2005

Feel like Crap

Having a period SUCKS. Got it yesterday but felt like crap all day. Hopefully will be back to my perky self tomorrow. Charlie was a royal pain today. Imagine being under house arrest but you can only do about 5 things and can't go in certain rooms without the tiny terror throwing a titanic tantrum.

No wonder I'm tired. Took 2 days just to work up the mental will to do a load of laundry.

Going to bed.


Saturday, March 19, 2005

Saturday - Chillin and Hangin' with the Kids

A very good friend in my group got a sales job and we had her going away party at Trainwreck (how appropriate! LOL). It was 7:30pm and there was already a chick in the bathroom puking her guts out, then her boyfriend's in the stall on his cellphone making all these arrangements to pick up her car etc. Wild. Wonder how she's feeling today? LOL Eek. I shouldn't laugh...................but I will anyway. Gotta have some advantage at the ripe old age of 38 to laugh at the silly young girls. lol

JOCELYN! HOW DO I POST A PIC TO MY BLOG? I ACTUALLY HAVE ONE OF us corporate slaves getting a first place prize designation for a basketball decorating contest.

Given the hellish week I had, I wanted nothing to do with it. But the group was compelled to participate by the Activities committee mgr. So at the last minute 3 women in our group threw something together and the friggen thing WON!!!! The reason it won is because while everyone else stuck to the rules of the contest and used basketball themes. We went with modeling the dang thing after one of our products. Our Director is very corporate image consious and picked it.

So last night was a friggen BLAST! They had a band that was playing 80's rock with a dance beat and it was awesome! They had a bachelorette party there that got a male stripper so I enjoyed that performance. LOL

Feeling ok, Charlie and I took a nap and chicken is almost done for dinner.


Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Stressy Sally this week

This has been the week from HELL!!!!!!! Unreal, it's like work is a toilet filled with shit that just exploded all over me . Unreal.

I"m not sure how much detail I can post here but suffice it to say I'm STRESSED to the max and working harder to get a promotion. Not even sure why I want it so bad, but I can be very stubborn and the more I'm told I can't have something the more I want it.

Hmm, just like a 5 year old. LOLOL Must be where Johnny gets it.

So anyway, I went out tonight for a few drinks with work people and met some new Mommies who watch Nanny 911 and Wife Swap. That was cool.

I was too stressed to catch American Idol onTuesday but I have it on tape. I don't even know who got voted off tonight yet.

Watched Survivor, wow those rule changes are diabolical! I love it!

Have Wife Swap on tape, will watch The Apprentice tomorrow.

I AM A TOTAL REALITY TV JUNKIE!!! Someone's going to have to get me a 'sponsor' and lock me in a room for a month to get me off this stuff. It's like CRACK for your mind. LOL

Opiate of the Masses indeed.

Monday, March 14, 2005

Sob!! The Notebook

Loved it. Cried at the end. Take back my previous blog entry. Very romantic ending.

24 was good. Can't wait to see American Idol. Nikko Smith is BACK!!! WOO HOO!

Kids are adorable. Charlie says Mmm Mmm Delicious. LOL It's so cute with his lisp.

Johnny is adorable REALLY REALLY into writing letters and getting/sending mail and cards.

Watched Nanny 911, and hopefully can catch Super Nanny tomorrow. I am massively hooked on those shows cause I have a toddler. lol

WORK SUCKS, hate this job.


Sunday, March 13, 2005

The Notebook

Well, 1/2 of it anyway. Um, predictable , predictable, predictable. Gena Rowlands is beautiful and we love James Garner and I like that Ryan Gosling. But personally Matt and I are such practicalists we were rooting for her to marry the gorgeous Southern Guy. lol

Next on the Netflix que is a British version of 24 called MI-5. Looks interesting.

Sarah: I love the new format of your blog. What have you been up to?

It's funny, Johnny declared today was 'Robot Day' and wanted to go the movies again. LOL I'm like DUDE! That costs $17 a pop to go there! Can't afford it!!!

Then Matt brought home from Walmart this really cool torch light thing that they fought over all morning so I sent him out for another one for $10, I know they will wind up discarded on the basement floor in a week but DAMN, I am NOT listening to them fight and cry and fight and cry all friggen Sunday.


Saturday, March 12, 2005

Johnny's First Movie!!!

Took Johnny to see The Robots today!!! He was 'pretty good' it's nice the theater had that wide handicap isle in the middle so he could goof off and not disturb anyone. By the end of the movie, we were both sitting in the front row and looking up! He probably liked that view better. I'm annoyed because the volume on this thing seemed turned pretty low for a movie. AND I have excellent hearing.

Matt put together a book shelf for Charlie's room, so now they each have their own, which is cute.

That's about it, going to watch The Notebook tonight. Heard it was good, so I am looking forward to it. SARAH! UPDATE YOUR FRIGGEN BLOG! YOU HAVE NO KIDS, YOU CAN'T BE THAT BUSY! YOU SLACKER! LOL


Friday, March 11, 2005

I could'a been a CONTENDER!!!!

OMG! My new favorite show is The Contender. If you dont' watch it, you're not my friend. It's sappy, corny, cheesy but WICKED BAD! I love it. Love it, love it. I think one of the reasons I like it is because there are no chicks with fake boobies and no mimbos/bimbos/himbos actor wannabee's etc. These are real boxers and the cast is more multi-ethnic and of a lower class than the usual reality show contestents. Makes it different.

Count me off the Jonathan love train from The Apprentice, he blew the task with his small mindedness and I really hated the way he treated those women on his team. Pimp them out?
What an asshole, unfortunately there are too many men in the business world that still think like that.

Survivor was good too, love the new challenges. Much more physically exhausting. Can you imagine doing that in that heat with out hardly eating for days at a time? Yikes.

That's it. Still training someone at work, I like her alot but she's going to another team. Boo hoo.


Thursday, March 10, 2005


Went out to dinner last night at Bristol's. I was on my way out the door and bumped into some media sales people I used to support and they invited me to go with them to dinner. Bristol's is this MEGA expensive fish/steak restaurant that I had passed by a million times on my way home from work. I had Grilled Chilean Sea Bass with mash potatoes and asparagus and Lobster Bisque before that. I was so full I could burst. It was $27 for the fish and $4 for the soup. The Baron paid for it. ;)

So I was finishing up my fish when I was informed that Chilean Sea Bass or (Patagonian Toothfish) is going to be extinct soon.


Ten years ago, Chilean sea bass was virtually unknown in the United States, but since then the fish has become a staple on many upscale menus. Increasingly dire warnings suggest that the trendy toothfish has become too popular for its own good. Environmentalists warn that unless demand is reduced, the fish may face commercial extinction in as little as five years.

Steadily declining annual catches have signaled trouble, and led environmental groups to partner with some of the chefs who first popularized the dish in a campaign to reduce demand for the toothfish. The goal of the "Take a Pass on Chilean Sea Bass" campaign is to encourage chefs to remove the beleaguered fish from their menus until populations begin to recover from widespread and dangerous overfishing, most of which is done by illegal "pirate" fishing boats.

Soooooo DON'T EAT CHILEAN SEA BASS!!!! And I apologize to the one I ate last night but DAMN that was good fish.

Went to Johnny's parent teacher conference, he's doing good, skills improving.

I'm heartbroken that Nikko Smith is no longer in American Idol, think I'll curl up in a corner now.


Prayer Request: Bill Clinton

Let us all keep Bill Clinton in our prayers.

Clinton, 58, arrived at New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia University Medical Center shortly after 5 a.m. for a low-risk operation to remove fluid and scar tissue that developed in his left lung after his quadruple heart bypass six months ago.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Tuesday - .....

Anyone ever heard of GREAT SITE if you like TV Shows, the comments in their forums are hilarious. And it provides a great sense of community if you've just watched something like American Idol, ER or The Apprentice to find out what everyone else thinks of it. It's weird I like web sites where a bunch of people I don't know talk about a TV show I watched but HATE HATE HATE The View where the hapless audience is stuck watching 4 women talk about 'stuff' and can't chime in. It's like overhearing someone else's conversation at a bus station. Hm, maybe if the women weren't so annoying it would be more interesting.


If I have a touch decision to make (or have recently been diagnosed with a terminal disease) I should go to the nearest beach and walk by myself at sunset. No one else will be on the beach and this will allow me to contemplate my life in beautiful scenary.

And there will be a big rock that juts out over the water, which you will be able to sit on without a hint of discomfort, gazing out in thoughtful contemplation as the sun sinks below the horizon.

This will be the same beach frequented by washed up celebrities whose lives and careers were ruined by drugs, alcohol, and a string of bad marriages. You might just catch a glimpse of them, ruminating wistfully on their failed lives as they scuff along in the sand, pants rolled up to the knees, hands in pockets, as their sorry-looking yellow dog frolicks ahead of them.

Moving on

American Idol. I'm mad cause I forgot to vote, but my favorites this week are Nadia and Jessica. Carrie is all kinds of suck and the rest are forgettable. They sound like a good performance at Andy's on a Saturday night. Trust me, that's not a whopping compliment. lol

My day today was ok, training another new person, I like her but she won't be staying with our group which is annoying. Why do we have to train her if she's going to another group? And she can't really 'bond' with us cause she is not in our group. I feel bad for her.

I put someone up to asking about the SME position during the GOD COMES DOWN FROM THE MOUNTAIN AND TALKS TO US meeting. Boy did that ruffle some feathers. Turns out the job won't be available or filled till Mid June. But they did get the head count for it.

UGH. I knew I couldn't ask about the job at an open forum like that cause I put in for it, so I had my friend 'K' do it. He owes me big cause I've helped him so many times. That guy 'G's reaction was interesting. I guess he's not used to it when the 'little people' start asking questions.

Kids were good. Johnny is really into mailing things now so he scribbles on a piece of paper like he's writing a letter. He and I write stuff on the back of the paper after he's folded it and we mail it to Gramma. She should be getting some interesting mail soon. LOL. Maybe we'll branch out to the Aunties lol.

That's it for today. Working on a rough outline for my March 18 speech. The closer it gets the more nervous I get. I've never had to come up with 5-7 minutes of material about my life before for public consumption.

Monday, March 07, 2005

Bored, Bored, Tired, Bored AMERICAN IDOL RULES!

nottomuchtosay, boredboredtiredboredworksucksAMERICAN IDOL RULES!

Scott Savol - Like to see him in the top 12, but will be the 12th voted off

Bo Brice - Love him, love him, needs to stick to rock though


Nikko....MY NEW FAVORITE!!!!!

Travis....I love Travis but it's clearly his turn to go. GREAT PERFORMER, NOT GOOD SINGER


Constantine.... Very very bad. Wouldn't mind seeing him go. The others out class him so much

Anwar....kicked my ass.

Watching the third season of 24 also, the best yet. That's all for tonight. I MUST get some sleep. Charlie was good tonight, fell in love with this Thomas & Friends wipe off marker book I bought for Johnny. Not sure how the little boogers got it of the TOP SHELF OF THE FRIGGEN CLOSET!!!

Oh yea, remind me to write about what Charlie did to the basement in his lastest bath catastrophe.

Saturday, March 05, 2005


My life is so boring, I had nothing to say for 2 nights in a row. The Apprentice KICKED ASS!!! Best firing ever!!! That Audry reminded me of 'someone' so I got to live precariously and see her fired and ripped up by that John guy. WOO HOO I couldnt' stop laughing and clapping and hollering, it was hilarious.

Thur night we also watched Survivor : Palau , it's the same crap but the challenges ROCK. Much more physically exhausting and mentally interesting this year.

Friday was Friday was Friday. No bowling until April 1, then no bowling till April 29, that schedule I can live with. If there were people I talked to or liked over there I"d be going every other week. But it's a bunch of people I don't know and the ones I do know are one big 'clique' that all sit together and don't talk to me. I don't know what it is in St. Louis, but I totally got off on the wrong foot socially in this place, either that or I"m a total loser who's never had to find my way in such a big group before.

Saturday, Charlie was tantrumy all day. I took a 45 min nap, then Charlie took a 2 hour nap cause he was so darn crabby. I watched the A&E version of Pride and Prejudice. I liked it but hated the fashions. That style in about 1812 that look like nightgowns with the bodice coming just under the breasts with no other lines or curves. Ick.

We took the kids to St. Louis Mills mall to let them play in the indor park there. The kids liked it.

Gotta go, it's hard to type with a squirming Charlie on my lap who keeps shoving a comic book down my shirt. lol

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Is it a Very Blah Day? or just a Blah Day?

I feel unworthy writing this after reading Sarah's and Brad's blog. BRAD you are a STITCH!
Sarah, I'm going to go blind reading yours. lol

I hate this keyboard. The back-space key sticks so I'll hit the key to erase a typo and it'll obliterate my entire paragraph. Not Fun.

Hnm , American Idol Results show seemed much more toned down. I actually watched the whole thing. I'll miss Joe Whatshisname. I liked him. Look forward to the show next week. Dont' want too see many more of the guys go though. I can think of about 4-5 more girls I'd like to see gone.

Work was Blah, did job shadowing with this person that I really liked and had fun doggin on all the people we don't like. I'm so glad there is someone there who sees things the way I see them so I don't feel so paranoid. lol

Charlie had his usual dinner melt-down. Don't get why he does that. Frustrating. I made a paper airplane and he had fun bringing it back to me after I made it fly.

I showed Johnny a weather book and it had categories of clouds and so on the drive in to work this morning. WHERE DID ALL THIS TRAFFIC COME FROM? What the hell?

I was looking at the clouds and trying to remember what type they were, they all start with Cirrus, or Nimubs, or Stratus, or Cumulus. Before I take that book back to the library I want to copy that page and keep it as a cheat sheet in my purse. Pathetic at my age I can't remember the names of the clouds. So I get home and look at the clouds and remember it, now it's 11pm and I vaguely recall the name as CirroNimbulus. Hm, I guess I'll have to consult that book again ;)

Buh Bye!

Tuesday, March 01, 2005


Woke up at my usuall time, 6:30 am, and this is after going to bed at after 12am. Showered, coffee, make up, etc. In the car on the way to work.......thinking about my's date....Monday was Feb is..........March 1.......hmmmm. Something about today....
s o m e t h i n g.............


Turn the friggen car around 1/2 way to work and go all the way home. Could have SLEPT in till 7:30am. Fuckin Hell.

Let Matt sleep in from his grueling trip to Cicero. Caught a freaky snow storm on the way home that obliterated any vision he had of the road. Had to pull over a couple of times.

The kids loved the play date. It's a play group given by Parents as Teachers. Charlie wasn't sitting in the circle with the rest of the kids and when they sang this song and used his name he got the funniest look on his face, really enjoying it. And when they sang Johnny's name, he put his hands over his ears. My kids are nothing if not strange. LOL.

Watched American Idol The girls suck suck suck suck suck. Jessica Sierra had the BEST performance with that broken wing song and I disagreed with the Judges and liked Aloha's performance and the song Janaya sang was cute. I've never heard Alicia Keyes sing, so I thought Aloha did a GREAT job with that song. lol.

Good day at work, but I'm getting that helpless overwhelmed feeling from all the emails to answer and problems to solve. I"m seriously burned out on this job and need another role to keep me fresh. That training job I applied for is OH HOLD for awhile. Maybe couldnt' find the budget for the positions.

Charlie Tantrums = 1 , the Dinner Time/mom's home tantrum. Hate those. I"m using the Super Nanny technique of getting down on his level and telling him the problem. Then I put him in his room. Don't like the Naughty This or Naughty That. He gets the drift.

Sarah's BLOG